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  • 615- Pawns in the Game Since 1773:

    Every one of us that listens to this radio podcast, is that not enough to litera...

  • 615- Pawns in the Game Since 1773:

    "For THE LOVE (emphasis mine) of money is the root of all evil." --1 Timothy 6:1...

  • 615- Pawns in the Game Since 1773:

    Jason/Crrow/Rose/members - can anyone furnish any example from anywhere that val...

  • 615- Pawns in the Game Since 1773:

    Jew is way to broad and inefficient a term to describe the actors involved. Ther...

  • 615- Pawns in the Game Since 1773:

    Reminds me of the good ol brainwashed days. lol...

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