March 4, 2025
2010 The Year We Make Contact – Roy Scheider – Dr. Heywood Floyd
We have been taught to trust in science, focusing mainly on things that can be weighed and measured. We are also told to believe in many things that cannot be seen or measured. Gravity is a good example of this. You can go online right now and look up the “Law of Gravity”. The only problem is that the “Theory” of gravity is not a law. Nonetheless, most of us believe it is and accept gravity as if it is a law. Much of modern science is geared to be theory-accepting, hyper-materialistic, and what I call a “death-based” system. This assertion is easily observed in our medical system. Hospitals are now listed as one of the top three leading causes of death in this country, and everybody knows what happened in 2020. Getting back to the issue of theory driven systems, it should be obvious that there is a critical difference between a theory and a law. In a world where physics no longer cares about physical reality, medicine no longer seeks to cure disease and the use of theories and scientism is at an all-time high. I created some personal rules to help me think about things, as search engines still try to convince me gravity is a law.
The first personal law I created for myself I call “Crow’s Law of Theories”. It is not really a law, to be clear, but it does serve to help me contemplate modern, agenda driven, information sources. It goes like this:
Crow’s Law of Theory: Any theory that remains unproven for years is a speculation of diminishing value and will therefore tend to be applied as propaganda in support of scientism the longer it exists.
I created another personal law, that is not only not a law, but had to be changed with the onset of AI. I created it to deal with UFO footage. The modified version goes like this:
Crow’s Law of HD: Anything that truly exists that can be filmed in HD, will be filmed in HD. In the modern era one must know and trust the source of the video to consider it as evidence due to the power of technology (AI) and its current ability to create (imitate/fake) anything.
I also, have a 3rd mental helper that I have not yet been able to complete to my satisfaction. It is meant to help deal with the nonstop onslaught of information blasted at us. Much of the endless information we are exposed to is nonsense and tends toward belief programming, in my view. It goes like this:
Crow’s Law of Crossroads: At any crossroad a decision must be made. One can turn left, turn right, go back, go straight or remain where they are. In the same way, new information is an unavoidable mental crossroad. One can reject, accept, modify, ignore, or challenge new information.
Hopefully, I have benefited from challenging the veracity of my personal guidelines. Let’s get back to the main ideas I hope to convey. We live in a time where everybody accepts that WIFI, RADAR, and infrared light provide real energetic influences in the world. These are examples we cannot detect or see. But the idea that the luminaries in the sky above have any energetic effect on us is considered hokum and treated as such by the mainstream. It has been defamed and made fun of for so long that most of us do not even accept that astrology was once indistinguishable from what we call astronomy. They were the same thing not so long ago, to the benefit of those living then. Every effort has been made in the mainstream western world to dismiss and belittle what is now mostly thought of as new age nonsense. It does not help that a lot of know-how and information about the Skyclock has been lost, as well as what I see as intentional scrambling of key information. To top it off, there are a number of astrological systems in play with differing or even opposing ideas. Nonetheless, we can easily observe recurring events that tell us beyond doubt that the luminaries above do in fact have an effect down here.
Each year in June, in this part of the world, it is warm. Each year in December, it is much cooler, if not frozen. What causes this? Simply put, it’s the luminaries in the Skyclock that case our seasons. This was once well-known, and so important that nearly all old maps include symbolic artwork in the four corners representing the seasons. Also common was the inclusion of the equator line and a sinewave line marking the path of the sun. And to top it off, the two mapped tropics above and below the equator, carry names of the constellations, Capricorn and Cancer. Those two constellations used to reside behind the Sun at its most northern and southern extent annually. Here is where I think the intentional minimizing of Skyclock importance is demonstrated. Modern maps should have been updated to show the proper constellations behind the Sun at solstices and equinoxes, but it has not happened. We still see centuries old information. The new information would likely reflect Gemini as the Northern tropic, and Sagittarius as the Southern tropic. There are many who would argue this point, but for me it is logically correct. The main point of all this is that a map has directly to do with down here. In the not-so-distant past, a lot of effort was expended to tie Skyclock concerns to earthly concerns in maps. This was done for a reason, and it also shows the importance of the Skyclock for cultures relying on and close to Nature, or the Creation.
In my years of direct observation of the Skyclock, I have made many predictions and statements that veer sharply away from what space agencies and the mainstream say are true. If I am correct on even a few of them, this would mean there is an intentional effort being made to obscure the importance of the Skyclock. Let’s go over some of the predictions or logical statements I have made that do not agree with the worldview taught in schools.
I predicted over a decade ago that the Moon may be see-through when it is very young, or just past the New Moon, for a very short period of time. I suspect a day or two at most. I also accept that the Moon is not reflecting sunlight. I suspect it provides its own light or is getting energy from a source other than the Sun, possibly what has been called the Black Sun. But for this to be possible, the north pole would need to be very different from what we have been told it is. I have also said that I do not accept that anyone can walk on the Moon’s supposed surface, as was claimed by NASA in the 1960s.
I have made many predictions about or related to our Sun. As fate would have it, we recently met a scientist who we will interview soon, who corroborated nearly everything I have put forward about the Sun. He did so from a scientific point of view, at a very high level. The solar ideas that follow are what I currently accept as highly probable and not facts, unless stated as such. The Sun is directly tied to our consciousness. The Sun is not a nuclear furnace, and is electromagnetic. The Sun seems to be pulling its energy from somewhere else that I often call “counterspace”. The Sun is a converter in this regard. I view the Sun as a lens, meaning it “lenses” energy in for us, to include the energies or influences of all the luminaries. This idea is much like what a prism shows us, taking white light and splitting it out into the color spectrum. The energy from the sun heats matter in my view, and is not “hot”. This is why when we get closer to the Sun on a mountain top there is ice year-round if tall enough. I suspect that when I am filming the Sun I am looking at an outer shell so-to-speak, not a matter-packed nuclear ball.
Now let’s talk about the controversial Second Sun. The Second Sun is a fact in my view, not a possibility. I may have been the first to film it in the hydrogen alpha wavelength in spring of 2015. Most of my video posts state 2016 due to time stamp loss via hard drive failures. Many others have filmed the other body to include the Slooh Observatory in 2016. They filmed it during a livestream that is still available online. The stream is meant for children, and shows the transit of Mercury. The binary sun was nearly touching our sun in the video frame. I have observed that the Second Sun is currently spending most of the time hidden in our sun’s glow, or directly behind the Sun from our vantage point. I left evidence of this in many of the still solar images, made available for purchase. I accept that as the binary sun gets closer, all consciousness in our world rises across all lifeforms. I suspect that the Second Sun is well-known to those in power and they know it is tied to era shifts and the increase of perception. I predicted years ago that the Second Sun might be visible to the naked eye under the right conditions, namely sunrise and set. This turned out to be true and is proven with many videos and still images. It has also been filmed in visual spectrum during fires. The thick smoke cover served as a filter to knock down solar glare from our primary sun. I suspect that the Mastercard logo is showing our two suns, even the colors seem to indicate this based on observations I have made. I suspect that Star Wars referenced our Second Sun when Luke was on Tatooine, his “home “planet. I suspect that the sequel to the film 2001, which tried to get us to believe more readily in the Moon Landing, closes with a speech that is telling us the truth about our two suns. The film is called 2010, “The Year We Make Contact”.
I know certainly that the Second Sun can be seen in the visual spectrum. I am not sure if this is always the case though. It is not nearly as bright as the Sun we are used to and a bit smaller, but this could be due to distance. Who knows? I am sure someone does. I am also sure the Second Sun will become common knowledge before too long. I expect there will come a time when it is visible each day, as is mentioned in the closing soliloquy in the movie 2010.
We have a lot to learn about what we call space… and a lot to unlearn due to the misguided efforts of space agencies and the mainstream agenda machine. Even the descriptions of so-called planets and the distances of luminaries need challenging in my view. For my part, I accept the work of Tycho Brahe. You will find I am not alone in this if you take time to look up an image created by a Jesuit priest in 1651. The image is called “Almagestum novum” and uses encoded myth and symbolism to back the astronomical work of Tycho. The message removes Kepler and Copernicus from the gold standard position, to include their magical math, neither man having ever spent time observing.
In closing, I would like to suggest to you that the Skyclock matters. Its influences are universal, and always have been. Those cultures who studied the luminaries for many generations benefited greatly. In my view, this is exactly why it has been defamed in our time. After all is said and done, there is a world take over going on now, and it is being leveraged off the age change. The planning and pre-game has been in motion for centuries, and while you were being taught to look down, there were others seeking power and control who were looking up. It is quite an advantage if you know something about the seasons before they arrive. It is also a big advantage to have accurate information about past cycles. It is quite a disadvantage to have to rely on seasonal information from others. Those who seek to control us may not tell the truth in order to take advantage. But as we know, all truth resides in nature and no man can change what is written in the stars.

Comments (5)
Not only do I suspect for the last 35 years that the Earth is hollow, but now I’m convinced that the sun is as well. But at the core of the Earth is an aluminum shell that rotates and leads the rotation of the Earth. The moon also has an aluminum shell rotating in its hollow center but it is not rotating on a fixed axis. Thus it is not squashed at its so-called poles. Instead, it is totally spherical and rotates randomly first in One direction and then another. This causes the moon to not have its own rotation because the moon cannot consistently follow random movements of its core shell. So the Moon instead latches onto the rotation of the Earth and has been latched on since God knows when. The shell of the Earth simply follows the gravity field created by the aluminum Shell at its core. The shell of the Earth is dragged because of the gravity field and is attracted to the gravity field from debris in the cosmos to collect and accumulate and expand in size.
If you look up Joseph caterers view of what John Searle did back in the fifties, it is not what John Searle claims today what John Searle did in as much as John Searle did not use electromagnetism to levitate anything back in the ’50s. John Searle used electrostatics. He took an aluminum shell that was built around a wooden lightweight frame and spun it with a gasoline engine at a high enough speed that it started to create its own energy and accelerate and eventually take off into space never to be seen of again. It is from this knowledge should I derive my theory of what causes the Earth to rotate in as much as its debris field that we stand on is a shell of debris that floats using the principle of buoyancy a combination of levitation and the opposite of levitation counterpoised with each other to produce this buoyancy. The aluminum Shell at the core of the hollow Earth that we stand on dictates terms and the debris field follows suit dragging along as best it can within the gravity field that the aluminum core creates surrounding itself and extending out from itself by a certain distance before it fades into obscurity far enough away from its center.
The Earth was hit by a solar flare little different from ball lightning a few years or a decade or two before the civil war between the North and the South in America. This ruined the telegraph industry but not much else. The next hit will affect the spin axis of the aluminum shell in the center of the hollow Earth that we stand on tilting its spin axis causing the Earth to follow suit. We won’t feel a thing because we will be moving in a gravity field. But astronomers the world over will notice that the sky map has changed overnight and Polaris will have been replaced by Arcturus hovering over our North Pole. This is necessary in order to increase the vibrations of consciousness of this planet. The Earth originally pointed its North Pole at Arcturus many many aeons ago but it was too high of vibration for humanity to tolerate. So we were diverted to point to Polaris. But because of the requirements of the new age and the requirement that Earth be remade into a garden that it once was, the Earth’s north pole will be reoriented back to Arcturus. I suspect that a lot of people will die of sheer shock along with a lot of vermin and some or all animal life causing the remaining humans to be flung into veganism without little or any preparation if they had not taken advantage of the advances in food choices over the past several decades. Whoopsies.
I forget which book of John’s in which I read about this. But it is within one of these two books…
The Ultimate Reality, Vol.1 & 2
The Awesome Life Force
Tyco Brahe was murdered because he was a truth monger. And nobody hates truth mongers more than liars. So a scheme was hacked to murder Tyco and it was quite simple in its execution. He was invited to a glamorous meal which became his last supper because he refused to get up from the table since the king refused to get up from the table and Tyco died from a self-inflicted infection resulting from a burst bladder. But you have to ask yourself how come nobody else suffered the same fate? Because they had a pee pot which their servants changed out and Tyco was not made aware of this requirement before coming to this meal. So everybody else kept drinking and peeing into their private pot and staying at the table while Tyco had to hold it in and burst his bladder. One way to fight the truth is to kill off the truth mongers.
The old Saturn car logo tells the tale. The symbol X represents Saturn. And that symbol is EVERYWHERE. Corporate logos beyond measure.
Additionally, Elon represents Generation X, so there’s that.
Oh, and the Twitter X logo, when placed next to a mirror, creates the Masonic square and compasses.