598- Fall of the Petrodollar, China Rising in the NWO (Free)

By all appearances, the connection of the dollar to Arabian oil has changed very little since the 1973 inception of the “petrodollar”. However, if we take a closer look at the fall of the once almighty dollar, its connection to oil sales, treasury bonds… it’s all coming to an end. In 2023 Russia became the top crude supplier to China with most payments made in yuan, while India signed an agreement to trade oil in their currency. This alone marks a huge step towards the end of the mighty American petrodollar, and its half century position in the world oil market.

In my view China is and will be the implementation agent of the emerging “New World”. They were freely handed technology at a picnic in 1997 in Silicon Valley. Then, it was implemented to demonstrate the viability of total population control. A veritable digital police state is now in place, complete with a social rating system enforcing total population control in the places it is operational. This power-play was probably not yet possible in the west, but now the model exists based on technology provided freely by the west — with a predictive digital eye on a neighborhood near you.

In a communist country, nearly anything can be implemented at the snap of a finger. Where in America, we are not quite there yet. Will we ever be? As for the so-called petrodollar and its planned decline, it appears to be, yet another in a long series of chess moves, pushing towards digital, privacy killing, freedom free, world money. Will the implementation of digital money make its play as a slow creep, or is there another 911-esque event in our future? Either way it seems certain we are witnessing an attempt to implement a 100% control-and-track policy over world commerce. What is also self-evident: If the Chinese-developed digital police state is successfully combined with digital money, the world will have lost more freedom than at any other time in known his-story. That is, if it is successful in the western world, where ideas, and the defense of freedom languish in wait of a mass-resistance that could fend-off what follows the slow-motion implosion of monopolized corporate systems that allow for modern life. Resistance is not futile, and the shackles are not yet locked.

**NOTE** The 10th member solar video is available now under the video link on the website. It contains my longest and largest animation to date. I have also started to work on filming what goes on down in those so-called sunspots, and have an example animation of my first attempts. The light of this world is complex beyond description and as critical to our lives as food, water and air. I find much of what we have been told about it to be false, but I do accept that it is intricately tied to the age change and world-wide consciousness shift.

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