#023 Shoot the Moon Movie Poster


Size: 8400px X 12516px   🡪   116.6” X 173.8” 

You can print a size of your choice at home or, you might consider using a professional printer. This would provide paper quality, and size options for the final print, to include glossy finish. This lunar image file has been created so that you have the option to create large prints in feet, as opposed to inches. It is not recommended that you exceed the listed print size, unless you are using a professional printer. Printing images that are smaller than the listed image size is fine, as long as the aspect ratio is not changed.

This is one of several movie poster designs created by Crow for the “Shoot the Moon” film release. Only two designs ended up being used. “Shoot the Moon” has received 10 laurels, or awards, out on the independent film circuit. The last two coming from India. This image was personally designed, processed, and finished by Crow.