In the modern era how we are born and how we think about coming to be has changed drastically and departed from the natural world. This change was set in motion by modern allopathic medicine and modern banking. How is it that a provably living being is classified as without life and then (more…)
There will be a few Righteous Men who stand in the face of tyranny and we are starting to see who those men are. We have entered a time where lies are driving our world and those who stand against lies become outlaws. The path of the righteous man is now truly beset on (more…)
There are many temples in this world which proves there is a reason for temples. They are often found on energy centers or lines to include the side of your head. Unfortunately some temples seek to replace all others in our world. Live and let died indeed – you gotta give the other (more…)
There is a Bible in every court of so called law in our western world. There is a reason for this. Does being a righteous man or woman matter? Does understanding that this creation is not subject to the laws of men matter? Is there a higher court where living men and woman once (more…)
Once again we examine ideas about what makes us sick. Even with a new research team the same conclusions are drawn with regard to viruses and germ theory. But that does very little when considering the new world that is now emerging all around us. At the very least minds can consider what (more…)
Looking around at the current state of crazy. We again look back at Edward Bernays where social engineering begins in earnest in the 20th century. It turns out PR and marketing can change the world and replace culture with pre-fabricated ideas of no value. Currently there is no reason to watch the film (more…)
We are now witness to the largest Coup d’état ever attempted. It is so large, that the apparent target is everywhere. Having traded-in guns and bombs, information is now the weapon of mass construction, and fear and media is the only ally of the aggressor. We will soon see if bravery still runs (more…)
Fear is the mind killer and it is currently being used to facilitate the largest Coup d’état in the history of the world. It has been said that freedom is not free and it looks like we may find out if this is true in the calendar year of 2020. Those who trade (more…)
A once in a generation skyclock event falls on 12-21-2020 and it is not the only big heavenly event this year. With Olympics and so called elections and over 200 CEO’s jumping ship, hyper-change seems imminent. Remove zeros from the year to see the master builder and know the work will culminate on (more…)
An early form of occult number usage can be tracked back to Jewish Gematria. Though there are other early sources it is here we see the idea that somehow man-made numbers could be used to derive deeper meaning in religious texts. Many modern minds overlook the fact that older writing systems have numerical (more…)