If it exists it vibrates. With this in mind we are now reaching an era where the importance of vibration and frequency will become fundamental to our existence and to our spiritual endeavors. I await the day when the following map is commonly available and known. I am referring to a map that lays out, (more…)
There are many ideas out there about the so-called age change. The best ideas in this regard come to us from the east. While the Greeks, American Indians and Egyptians are said to have had historical information, the Yuga cycles remain the best source, in my view. The problem is that this information, like most (more…)
In this era of chemical drugs many people are getting reacquainted with the plant kingdom, which is the original medicine cabinet. It has been claimed that chemical drugs are mostly petrochemical based and do not cure illness, but instead mask symptoms. Of course, we know antibiotics work, but they too are known to create serious (more…)
Have you noticed the astonishing abilities of young folks these days? I am not referring to a whole generation. I am referring to the stand-outs that we all see from time to time. Decades back they were called “Indigo Children”, but here in the modern era we are starting to see more and more young (more…)
Who runs our world? There must be a formal structure and organizations with names – right? In fact, there are. And like any corporate structure there are clear lines of authority. In this episode we delineate the so-called NWO power structure. Truth be told, it might be better to consider the power in this world (more…)
When was the last time you turned off your phone and spent time in Nature? Believe it or not this was a very common occurrence before the onset of cell phones. It is easy to forget, in the modern era, that we are meant to have a deep connection to our environment. It is easy (more…)
In this episode we learn about dowsing. Known to be an ancient art, dowsing reaches back to antiquity, but what is it? The following sentence pulled from Engineer Raymond C. Willey’s book “Modern Dowsing”, does a good job of encapsulating a hard to describe art form. “Dowsing is the exercise of a human faculty, which (more…)
Do you have rights? In fact, you do… if you claim and protect them. And this is no easy feat, particularly when compared to how easy it is to accept offers that remove or limit the rights you were born with. The rights you were born with are typically referred to as God-given rights. Basically, (more…)
The sign of Libra in the zodiac is an interesting sign and differs from all the rest. For one thing it is not an animal, it is an object. For another, it is certainly a later addition to the circle of stars that back-light the path of planets, sun and moon. I have read old (more…)
One might think that in the era of AI, computer hacking would become a thing of the past. After all, AI has predictive powers that stagger the imagination. AI can easily predict your death date, to include time, cause and location. It can also predict what you will do long before you do it. So (more…)