December 21, 2024
Cathedrals: Spiritual Paths in Glass & Stone are Vanishing
It was back in the spring of 2019 when I had been researching the amazing cathedrals of Europe. Specifically, France. To be a bit more specific, I was drilling down into Notre Dame and re-read “The Mystery of the Cathedrals” by Fulcanelli. Next, I proceeded to convert the research into episode #151 for the Crrow777 Radio community. During this episode, I warned that a spiritual path encoded in the glass and stone of the cathedrals was being erased. Exactly 30 days later, Natre Dame burned.
Different claims are made about who built Notre Dame, and what it was built for. There are also conflicting opinions about how long the magnificent structure has existed. When was it truly created? In this regard, I accept what the elusive alchemist Fulcanelli left us with, along with his apprentice, Eugène Canseliet. His apprentice wrote the preface to the second edition of “Mystery of the Cathedrals” in 1957, the first edition having been published in 1926. Eugène Canseliet said in the preface for the 1926 edition: “the key to the major arcane is given, without any fiction, by one of the figures that adorn this work”. From this single sentence, one can begin to imagine the level of importance and ancient wisdom left to us by the masters of antiquity.
But, just to make the point, here is another telling statement offered to us from author Vincent Bridges: “The first section of Fulcanelli’s masterpiece shows the sword of wisdom, built from language and experience, is extracted from the stone of the wise, whose five components could all be found, at one time, in Notre-Dame de Paris, the Philosopher’s Church.” Most people have no idea that the cathedral’s majestic architectural form was created with spiritual function to match, and that a path of knowing was encoded in the teaching, symbols, architecture, glass and stone of Notre Dame. The value of this knowledge transcends corrupt monetary concerns, while informing us of the catastrophic loss that is occurring. We lose more and more with every modification, so-called update, and suspicious fire.
After the reopening of Notre Dame on Pearl Harbor Day, we were all faced with the sad truth of what is becoming of the irreplaceable and noble cathedral left to future generations all those centuries ago. The day that was chosen tells that what has happened was done with intent. Done as is standard operating procedure, the telling details remain plausibly deniable. To put forward dates, names and details in an effort to call foul is to be labeled a conspiracy nut, waving away the truth that all that is good, pure and noble in this world is being slowly erased or subsumed, under the cloak of darkness that no longer hides in shadow.
Below is an excerpt from the transcript of episode #151, the episode that ended up being too close for comfort a mere 30 days after its posting. How is it that one of the most loved and valued architectural treasures in this world went up in smoke, the cause of which is a mystery? Was it a cigarette? Was it a faulty extension cord? Was it workmen with no sense of caution? Or, was it a lie? Whatever it was, what follows is an older example of those with power, those who seek to control us by erasing knowledge of spiritual possibilities. Notre Dame is no longer the guide and protector that it was built to be.
Posted on March 14, 2019 – Crrow777Radio episode transcript excerpt
>>Jason: On the ordering of statues of St. Christopher to be destroyed from the Cathedrals in the 1700s. Christopher stands for Chrysopher. He, who carries gold. From this one can better understand the extreme importance of the symbol of St. Christopher. It is the hieroglyph of the solar sulphur, Jesus, of the nascent gold, raised on the mercurial waters and then carried, by the proper energy of this Mercury, to the degree of power possessed by the Elixir. According to Aristotle, the emblematic color of Mercury is grey or violet, which explains sufficiently why the statutes of St. Christopher were given a coating of that color.
>>Crow: So, this is an important idea for me, because what Fulcanelli points out here is that when you walked into many of these places, the first thing you saw back in the day, I guess the 1700s supposedly being that day, there was a gray statue of St. Christopher, and those were removed. And that’s not the only thing that was removed. He even points out the people who fought against the removal of these emblematic, symbolic things that were put in there, which had meaning. And yet people came along later, and they removed all the St. Christophers and they did other things that from Fulcanelli’s point of view, are now lost forever. To science. That’s how he puts it. In other words, even if somehow people knew exactly what was removed, the meaning that had been put into it would likely be lost. I’m not sure what to make of it all, but whenever you see people make an incredible thing and put statues and encode the natural world into them, and then someone comes along later and removes them, what do you think is going on there? They’re hiding things. They’re hiding truths.
>>Jason: My take on this, is there must have been something encoded in these statues. Repeatedly through the many cathedrals, because it came from the top down. It came from the Vatican in the 1700s to have these things removed. So, what indeed did these statues have encoded in them, that they wouldn’t want future generations to be able to decode?
>>Crow: Right. And he points out over and over that Chrysopher was often shown carrying the baby Jesus, he’s done the alchemical tie over to the solar sulfur, the nascent gold, a lot being encoded there. He even points out one bishop, or an arch bishop who said no, you guys are not removing this stuff, so what they did is they waited for him to die, and like a week after he died, the went in, and the way Fulcanelli talks about it, is not that they just removed the statue, they broke it up. They destroyed it. So there’s all that.
>>Jason: And this is a similar thing we see happening over and over again, as the Vatican gained complete and total control over predominantly the western world. You see them cutting away more and more of the past and slimming it down much like newspeak in 1984, so that the only thing you have is the representation that they want you to have, and nothing more.
>>Crow: Well, I would ask, you know, why do the richest people in the world collect ancient art? Well, this is why. Because it wasn’t about the artist who made it. It was about the importance of the ideas that were being contained and held within that art. And we just had a conversation with someone, who was it, was it Giancarlo who pointed out, as soon as we went into Iraq, the first thing they did was went in and destroyed the museum?
I would like to wish you all a happy, healthy and higher-minded new era… on the Winter Solstice of 2024, the lowest extent of the sun for this year. Soon the days will grow longer, as the nights shorten. As one cycle ends, another begins, though some cycles represent wide-ranging change. Always remember the Golden Rule. Truly, the value and importance of life must be recognized, valued and defended. One year from now this will be a very different world.

Comments (3)
You asked a question at about 1:46 regarding the tons of $ put into NDame. I hereby inform the audience of your multiple hurricane relief donations of thousands put into Hurricane Ida relief 3 years ago, and that’s just through me.
I have helped fill out a trailer for Helene/N Carolina relief weeks ago.
You inspire. You fund. We do.
Asking the questions is great as people need stimulation. They make minds move.
Much love & Merry Christmas!
Mike Mohrhoff
I should have also noted that the truck & trailer to N Carolina contained equipment that you funded 3+ years ago for a different disaster. Your propulsion continues and I am pleased to recognize it.
Much love good man!
Just a thought on bloodlines. The bloodlines of the rulers are important. Even more important is the bloodline they try to destroy. The most recognizable is King Herods attempt and it continues to this day. The most complete was the attempted destruction of the druids.