March 1, 2025

The Commander in Chief, an Endless State of Emergency, and the presidential Ex-inauguration Day March 4

“You are lost at sea because the pen is powerful when corporations rule”

We are very fortunate to live in a country built on ideals of freedom. Near our founding, High-minded documents, and the Constitution were drafted. The Constitution was created to ensure our rights, to protect states and citizens, and to prevent the federal government from infringing on rights and laws. This glorious document is referred to as “The Law of The Land”, and is unique in all the world. An entire country founded and built on the rights of individuals and freedom! Magnificent! The envy of all the world! The Constitution and its enlightened ideals are truly a thing of value and worth defending. I for one will take advantage of this very special “Law of the Land”, and stand in awe of the rights it defends, and the freedoms so long protected. There is one problem with the near-utopian words above, and one need only look at the current Commander in Chief to comprehend the truth of the matter. The Constitution that is called the “Law of the Land” was not defended, nor do the rights, protections and freedoms exist for you as they once did. That is, according to the corporation we call Government. Read on if you wish to comprehend why we see the once rounded Oval Office feeling like 90-degree angles of sorrow, with no apparent limit to power.

On March 9th, 1933, Congress amended The Trading With The Enemy Act, thereby changing the status of American citizens. The change classifies us no differently than the enemy of WW1, the Germans. We became enemy combatants and considered “belligerents” from our governments point of view. Since March of 1933, America has been in a declared state of emergency. Believe it or not, there are 44 current and ongoing states of emergency in this country. For the sake of brevity, I will pull information from the 93rd Congress, 1st session, Report No.93-549 from 1973, in order to illustrate what we see going on now. It should be noted that while this information is easy to look up, I am not aware of it being common knowledge or publicized by news or government. Quite the contrary, it appears that the information is being played down and hidden. It would be a hell of a thing if the truth about our ongoing states of emergency were openly admitted. A fantastic 85 states of emergency have been declared in this country, while 44 remain in force. Each one must be renewed annually by the President. This should tell you something about the intent of both parties.

Drawing from the 1973 document, we can see the effects of what declaring states of emergency has done. Bear in mind, there were only 4 presidentially proclaimed states of emergency up to that time. That’s not the 44 we currently have. Count the ways (44) if you will.

The emergency proclamations gave force to 470 provisions of federal law. These hundreds of statutes delegate extraordinary power to the president normally exercised by Congress. Taken all together, this vast range of power allows the president to operate outside the normal constitutional process. These powers affect the lives of all Americans in an across-the-board manner, to say the least.

Under the powers delegated by these statutes, the president may: seize property, organize and control the means of production; seize commodities; assign military forces abroad; institute martial law; seize and control all transportation and communication; regulate the operation of private enterprise; restrict travel; and, in a plethora of particular ways, control the lives of all American citizens.

We now exist in what amounts to a permanent state of emergency. This in turn, has mostly nullified the rights and protections guaranteed us under the Constitution. What’s more is the fact that the implementation of these declarations seems to have been more about taking permanent control with one world government in mind, than it has been about the stated reasons for the emergencies. If this is not true, then why has every president renewed these rights-infringing declarations every year? A stroke of any president’s pen could restore our government operations back to “normalcy”, And the word “normalcy” is how the government itself describes the situation in the document cited in this blog. The document is titled “SPECIAL COMMITTEE ON THE TERMINATION OF THE NATIONAL EMERGENCY”. It should be clear that the committee did not move to terminate any declaration, leading one to wonder if it is just more D.C. theater.

One might ask if permanent states of emergency are even legal. Technically the government will tell you that it is. But why then is the truth of the matter unknown to the vast majority of Americans? Why is it not common knowledge and regularly addressed by the president? Why do we see the word “temporarily” used by FDR in his inaugural address, prepping America for the emergency powers change? At the end of his address, Roosevelt suggested that the normal, constitutional “balance of executive and legislative authority” might have to be departed from “temporarily” in order to “wage a war” against the emergency caused by the condition of the national economy. Why are we regularly told about the Constitution across all media, when it has, in fact, been neutered? The answers are simple. So, let’s cut to the chase. We have been ripped off and taken over as a result. This has opened and continually holds open the door for the attempt to implement one world government. The evidence of this is all around us for those who care to look.

There is no hope of “fixing” our government under these conditions. For longer than I have been alive, the system has been perverted into the reality we now contend with. In my view, this is why the truth about states of emergency has been downplayed and hidden. Because the only possibility of restoring “normalcy” is if the majority of Americans knew the truth and then demanded it all stop. What do you feel like the odds of such an eventuality might be? Until then, you will be treated as an enemy combatant when using the corporate governmental systems, banking, and courts. You will be treated as if you are lost at sea because the Law of the Land clearly does not apply to those not on land. The power of the pen is absolute in a corporatized world. I was born alive on land and have spent 98% of my life on land. So, how could I possibly be lost at sea? Wait… the pen is moving! Oh… It says do not believe your lying eyes, under the corporate presidential seal. It also says I am lost at sea making the Laws Of The Land irrelevant for me.

The most insidious aspect of the intentional takeover of the American Government has been to get men and women to waive or give away their God-given rights. In this, I accept, there is path to recovery. Stop giving away your rights. Make it known to the universe and every systemic situation you find yourself in that you CLAIM and RETAIN your God-given rights. Recognize the power of what this means and adjust your life to walk the walk. The voluntary waiving of your God-given rights is what has paved the road to 2020 and beyond. This may mean many different things to many different lives, but the importance of this truth cannot be overstated. There is a reason a bible is present in every courtroom whether you choose to accept it or not. This is not about religion even though the book is a basis for western religion. It is about the rights you are born with as you are granted the Divine Spark of life and Freewill. Freewill is the basis for all that will follow, which is why so much effort has been spent to get you to waive and surrender your Freewill, along with the rights that were granted to you from on high. Do not confuse religion with spiritual endeavors. Religions too, for the most part, have become corporations, which makes them potential tools for control. At what point did faith, and spiritual endeavors require the all-mighty pen to re-classify houses of worship, and the clergy who run them, into 501(c)(3)s?

We saw during Covid 19 (Which stands for: “Certification Of Vaccination I.D. A.I.”) what was demanded of corporations and businesses during the plandemic. They were told to close their doors. In 1954 the powerful pen aimed at religion, loaded with 501(c)(3) ammunition. Churches had never been taxable before that time. Once incorporated churches, and all houses of worship, lost their ability to operate autonomously. No longer could churches take positions that oppose the government for fear of losing their tax-free status. So, when the government directs you to close your doors to worship, the odds are that you will, which is exactly what we saw. This was at a time when the church and houses of worship were needed the most. Ironically the IRS does not even require churches to apply as a 501(c)(3). The IRS has a “mandatory exception” rule that states religious organization are “automatically exempt”, as they always have been.

We are currently seeing a decline in church attendance. Yet we see a rise in spiritual concerns. I would suggest that the new era will form at a higher vibration level and that old low vibrational system have to go now. It is my view that spirituality in the new millennium has outgrown worship under the 501(c)(3) system that closed its doors when needed most. I will close with what is most important to me. The key in dealing with what is surrounding us now, and of highest value to me, is my spiritual path. I have been granted the Divine Spark of Life, Freewill, and all the God-given rights that come with it. These have been granted to me from on high. I will not surrender, give away, or waive these gifts as I once did in ignorance. It is my sincerest hope you will comprehend the value of the gifts you have been granted, and defend them at all cost.

I would like to wish you all a happy, healthy, higher-minded, and ascending vibrational new era. May the Golden Rule become common place within my life time.

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Comments (8)

Thank you! It takes a lot of time, and is usually written with less time than I would like to have. Typically Rose gets one shot at correcting blatant errors, spelling, etc. I do appreciate your comment as it helps me to keep on, keeping on.

Also, I am trying to create one for each episode now.


I am new to your channel and I am grateful for what you are sharing. The dedication of truth.
The message that Bob Jones Senior preached in the 1940s,
“do right till the stars fall“

Cheers freind! Great words. the world of opinions has become so confusing these days it seems completely scrambling any bases sense of common sense and logic is the goal to nullify the masses. I always go back to Fortune saying that everything is so simple that we don’t want to accept it.
As for me and my family we shall serve selflessly, love God endlessly, and BE ALL that we can be.

We keep giving them our consent freely because we keep falling asleep at the wheel. We keep getting “teased” by convenience and riches.

I have been a reader of yours for a couple of years, Crow. You are a huge inspiration! I have been working on a similar venture called White Blood Cells. I would love to find ways to help you (us) achieve the ends of broadening this message and re-engaging the men of this culture to take on the duty that is theirs.

You have unearthed a profound change.
That 1933 amendment to the Trading with the Enemy Act turned our Republic into a dictatorship—a ruler with absolute power—we are seeing that amendment’s effects in full force with Trump as the President.
One must realize that all that Trump is doing is legal—he has the authority to do such actions because of that 1933 amendment.
Excellent research, Crrow.
Your research explains why and what is taking place by Trump; it explains the real reason why Nat’l Emergencies are declared and why they are renewed;
it explains the very dangerous predicament our country is in.
Thank you.

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