079 The Weapon to End all Weapons ~ TV ~ Followed by Cinema & Radio (Free)
The real weapon of mass destruction is Television. Along with Radio and cinema TV has been used to socially program our world and
The real weapon of mass destruction is Television. Along with Radio and cinema TV has been used to socially program our world and
This is the account of how one man related to Freud, Tavistock and the House of Windsor changed the culture of America using
Welcome back my friends to the show that will not end… Let’s cover the fall of social media to censorship and FEMA. We
Fear porn and false violent events require ego to work. Are you ready to use your higher mind and begin to understand false
I have not accepted that the Rh+ blood antigen relates us to monkeys but this episode seeks to wrap up the idea. The
Is there a truly pure human bloodline in this world? It appears some would say yes while perpetuating 85% of the world shares
Research proves weather modification has been going on for over 100 years. Half a century back research into stopping hurricanes was under way.
In this episode we offer two witness accounts from Houston of hurricane Harvey confirming massive flooding from 45-51” inches of rain. We also