February 11, 2025
When something is “good” it needs no advertisement. This is the meaning behind the title of this episode, “Good wine needs no bush”. One might apply this idea to politics to comprehend that it requires constant promotion, marketing, and advertisement, thereby unmasking its inability to exist by its own merits and value. In this episode, we cover the Bush lineage which supposedly picks up in 17th century, though we will pick up the family line in 1800s with Samuel P. Bush. By contrast, this blog is largely about political processes, and not specifically about candidates or associated families per se.
Most people do not realize the constantly morphing nature of information on the internet. Unlike printed books or newspapers, it can and is being edited on the fly in real time. This will become the accepted norm as AI standardizes its control over the internet, which is just now coming to pass. As an example, I covered (episode #120 & #119, and mentioned in #283 & #452) a speech given by Montagu Norman, the Governor of the Central Bank of England. The speech was delivered to the bankers of America in 1924. The speech stated that they had created two political parties so that the masses would fight nonstop about nonsense while bankers moved to control the world. Shortly after this episode was uploaded, it became nearly impossible to find the original speech online. Luckily, I copied it word for word. If this is true of a speech given 100 years ago, what do you suppose will become of information on families like the Bush clan, as an example, in the near future? Or any other event intended to be hidden?
I suspect that 10-20 years hence, very few minds will have any idea that whole communities in LA were burned to the ground with what appears to have been directed energy weapons. But then again, Tik Tok was taken over at the same time and endless users cried foul because the fires had already been shadow banned from the app, who had provided many personal accounts of what happened, in real time. Also missing are updates from a young lady who predicted the tragedy weeks before with alarming specificity. All this is happening as the new president announces free speech will again be honored online – or something to that effect.
How is it that Americans have counted themselves as the standard bearers for freedom when nearly every single president to hold office can be shown to be related to one single King of England? It has been shown all are related except Martin Van Buren, and possible two others depending on source. His name is King John (AKA: John Landless, or Lackland). Believe it or not, he is the legendary “evil guy” who fought Robin Hood. Knowing this helps to bring into focus why there are so many Robin Hood films, and why the story is retold so often. King John is also said to have signed the Magna Carta. Of course, this means that the American presidents are all related. They are cousins, if you care to stomach what all this actually means. One thing it means is that I can state that both Bush presidents are not just related to each other, but at least 41 other American presidents. It is truly no wonder why this country received names like “New England” and “New York”. Who flees a country in search of freedom and upon landing in the new world set about naming its places after the place they had just fled from? Maybe we should create a new title in order to properly reward the magnitude of the farce that has been perpetrated on this country vis a vis its system of government. How about Nepo Lord god Despot Emperor King Bu-Fu? Joking aside, this is the “system” in which the Bush family has played such a major role.
Once you consider some of the issues brought to light here, it becomes hard to accept that any election could be considered a tight race, or close – right? Or that we the people have any significant role in choosing those who will be candidates for the highest offices. The very first time I saw Barak Obama on TV, I was told that he is a promising young senator that may someday run for the highest office. During the Bush Jr. re-election of 2004, both candidates held membership in the secret society Skull and Bones at Yale. The exclusive society prides itself by engaging in “crooking” where they basically steal things with impunity. To make a point, one of the things they “crooked” is the skull (grave robbery?) of former president Martin Van Buren. You know, the one president not a cousin of the other presidents? Bonesmen also thieved the skull of a man called Geronimo, native to this land. In the Wiki entry about the secret society, we are told Bonesmen “Strive to outdo each other’s “crooks”. It is hard to imagine better training for future politicians, considering that the thieving occurs without consequence.
With this last paragraph in mind, another disturbing question comes to mind. When men in important positions take oaths in secret societies, which oath comes first in their minds? The oath of office, or the oath taken to their secret society? I am reasonably sure no oath of office is accompanied by a blood oath. It is well-documented that Freemasons take a number of “blood oaths”, under threat of death if the oath is violated. As we know, many of our leaders, as well as famous Americans, are Freemasons. This includes our first president, George Washington. Not to pile on, but he was not the first president and not even close. There were 14 presidents before old George who ran the Continental Congress, which began in 1774. No matter how you try to downplay this fact, isn’t this critical information about the founding of our unique country? Is this historical omission is due to these 14 men belonging to the wrong bloodline? Maybe it is due to some other reason. Whatever the case, it is historical information about the founding of America that has been swept under the rug.
The candidates and the processes that fill the highest offices in this country should be described as “Insider Baseball”. The game is rigged, and it has been since the so-called founding fathers set forth the rules of the American governing game. If truth is being told, your vote does not contribute to seating presidents. You are being “polled” at that polling place. Much effort is spent by the media to ensure that polling (called voting) matches the election outcome. There are openly admitted examples showing that the most votes are not what seats a president, or vice president. There are five (currently known) examples of this, to include Trump Vs Clinton. According to the National Archives, “before a general election, each candidate running for president chooses a slate of electors for every state. If the candidate is declared the winner in the state, their slate is then able to cast their vote in the Electoral College.” Even the language seeks to obfuscate the process. Does anyone reading this know what a “slate” of electors is? Feel free to look up the etymology of the word to gain illumination on the matter. Then we can all think about the “clean slate” we have been in need of for so long. It is also ironic that the official Electoral College description states that when a winner is “declared”, not when the most votes are won by a candidate. Welcome to the grand illusion.
If we honestly consider the issues in this blog, we must admit that we allowed things to happen that we should not have allowed and share responsibility for the clean-up of this mess we now face in 2025. The truth has been openly flaunted in our face, time and again. In 1980 we allowed an actor to take the highest office in the land. Ronald Reagan acted in over 50 films from 1937 in the late 1950s. While we know that Hollywood and Washington DC have always been close, in 1980 the people put their stamp of approval on that relationship – which was once unacceptable. One can track back the meaning of the word actor (or stage player) to the Greek word “hypokrites”, which is where we get the word hypocrite. It was once prohibited, where common sense ruled, for people who pretend to be something they are not to hold important offices. Common sense dictated that it is unwise to allow an actor, someone trained in duplicity to hold office. It is said that actors were looked down on in many cultures (Greece, Rome, etc.), and in some, they could not even hope to be buried in certain cemeteries. Common sense fled the scene in 1980, at which point our love for entertainment overruled our ability to discern that an actor can easily appear to be something they are not, and that they get paid vast sums of money to do this very thing. It is a far cry from limiting what an actor can due based on their ability to be duplicitous, to paying them more than almost anyone else for their ability to “make believe”. We have lost our way, and our common sense with it. Back in 1980 if folks knew the extent of the relationship between Washington and Hollywood, shock would have set in. But unfortunately, we have been normalized into accepting things that were once unacceptable.
Now that actors holding high office has been normalized, it is public record that Pentagon has had an entertainment liaison since 1948. 900 TV shows have received backing from the Pentagon since 2005! The CIA has had a similar position since 1996. Between 1911 (count the ways) and 2017 the Department of Defense has had a hand in more than 800 films, to include blockbusters in the modern era. Washington DC has been called Hollywood for ugly people, but there are state officials that state Hollywood and Washington DC “sprung from the same DNA”. One should keep in mind that this is on top of the Tavistock influence applied to all media, as we have covered in many episodes. Truly, entertainment’s very existence, at this point, is because there is no better tool to socially engineer the masses. And now you know that Washington DC shares that DNA, as insiders have informed us.
Even our current president is an actor, if resumes mean anything. Wikipedia lists Donald Trump having roles in 15 movies, 24 TV shows, 3 Playboy adult films, 5 music videos, and an unknown number of advertisements. I wonder if the founding fathers would dare imagine what has become of American government players on the political stage. Our 47th president is doing everything possible to appear as the savior of our beleaguered country, now falling to her knees. A true hero he seems to be when he announces things like eradicating the IRS. But what you are not being told is they no longer need the IRS due to their plan to implement Universal Basic Income (UBI) and digital money. Early attempts to implement digitally controlled money intended to replace the dollar has been held off and delayed. More attempts will come and if successful, global digital money will signify the largest loss of freedom in known history. You are probably also not aware what those inside machine claim is true. Their claim is that Mr. Trump has been hired to oversee the fall of America, much like the process applied to a corporate take-down. For many minds this is likely a bridge too far, at least until one snaps back into focusing what we know to be true. Occult methodologies are endlessly employed by hidden power to manipulate and control nations. For those who have learned to “count the ways,” the numbers game is but one of the dizzying array of tactics levied against populations for control. After all is said and done, Trump is the 45th & 47th president. For those familiar with the ever-present occult numbers game, they instantly see that 4+5=9 and 4+7=11. The number 9/11 will stand through the ages as the global dark forces come into the light, no longer hiding their powerful intent. That day, number, and event bears intentional witness to the beginning of the end-game of this world takeover attempt. Look around, it is all coming to a head now. Trump often sports the 45-47 thumbprint on his right temple MAGA hat. Do not be surprised if you find out someday that the MAGA acronym actually stands for Meta, Amazon, Google and Apple. Truth be told, they seem to benefit from our government far more than “we the people” ever did.
If there was nothing else going on in our world this year, it would still be a year to remember due to what nature and the Skyclock are telling us to be true. The energies from above are once again shifting. With this shift is opportunity. It is time we take this opportunity and put it to long overdue good use. It is time we pay attention to these all-pervasive energies, because I guarantee there are others in this world with big plans who are paying attention. Change is here because it has to be here, and this means opportunity to contribute to shaping realities. It is a very good time to accept what you know to be true and correct. It is a very good time to refuse those things you know to be false or harmful. Above all, there is no better time than now to reassess the Golden Rule and put it into practice. It is named golden for a very good reason. It is key to enacting the conditions you want for yourself, while offering it to everyone else. We are all in the same boat here. What can be done to your neighbor can, and may well, be done to you. With this in mind ensure your neighbor is treated as you wish yourself to be treated.

Comments (6)
Wow, heavy.. I’ll have to go back and read it again a few times and share it, although I know it will ruffle feathers. What I can’t wrap my head around Crrow is how they achieve their goals. I’ve heard you guys refer to it as “the long game”. I can’t get my family to agree on anything for more than a few hours yet these guys do it over centuries (many millennia?). That’d be a great topic to do a deep dive on. I’ll be listening to the episode tonight. Thanks again for all the hard work you guys put in. Truly appreciated!
The two of you are the most awesome team! Much love and gratitude for all your hard work helping us learn and understand what’s going on out there. Blessings to you Crrow for your powerful message.
Crrow I would love to hear a dissection in the Hopi legend of the Kachinas
I have read a couple versions and would like to hear more of your research and if Fortune has discussed with you
TYSM for the educational series
100% Crrow spot on with the butch Cassidy and the sundance kid reference. Love that movie….”Who are those guys ?”…lol. HELL….the fall will kill you!!! Ok , im done . But I LoVe you guys. Im sorry i havent been renewing my membership money has been tighter. Please , reach out to me personally ( I believe Rose has all my info.) if im missing anything extremely crucial. Ya know. Anyways ,sorry for the ramble. Keep on keeping on brother and sisters…One way or another this darkness has got to give.
The old Tares and the Wheat parable. For some reason there are people that naturally do things against the whole of humanity: they feed off us and become bigger and stronger. Despite the fact they need us they also hate us. Tares look like wheat for the most part but they bear no fruit so their head is high (proud). The wheat produces a crop and bows down the process (humble, good deads) and that’s how the tares can be removed since their behavior betrays them. Howver, the bible says they can’t be removed until the end of the Age and angels will do it because if they are uprooted they take many with them in the process (their systems have made many dependent). According to the bible who describes them as goats, tares, Satan’s children, reptiles (mostly snakes), dogs, chaff, brute beasts, etc., they know they can’t continue past this realm and spent most of their time trying to trip-up the rest of us. They are motivated by vengeance. It’s all hard to believe from our perspective but observation of the earth shows us many examples of this in the animal kingdom (parasites, cowbirds that lay their eggs in another species nest, mimics of many sorts) and watching the news will show it in ours.
That’s a pretty strong parable. I’ve never read it fully explained like that. Thanks.