January 28, 2025

Let there be Tainted Light – The Blue Light (not so) Special, and a NWO

“So, now we witness the End-Game, built on 1s and 0s.”


At nearly every turn, we see modern technology replacing quality and health with convenience and control. Modern lighting is an example of this. We have known for a long time about the health issues associated with certain types of artificial lights. Fluorescent lights are known to be harmful and toxic. However, their continued use is still common – even in schools. The shift from incandescent lighting to LED is no different. Unfortunately, our modern electric tech driven world is foundationally bound to LED lights with little to no concern for the negative effects that depart from what Nature shows us to be true and beneficial.

One should consider and hold in mind that our material world is built on vibration or frequency, for lack of better terms. From sound and form to light, every time we stray away from the truth of Nature, we do damage to ourselves and the other beings in our realm.

In school we are directed to accept and marvel at science. Unfortunately, the critical guiding principles provided by Nature are not usually a part of that conversation. As an example, when the magical blue LED light became possible, no counter balance derived from the natural world is considered. It is not hard to consider that on any given day, our exposure to blue light is precisely measured out by the Sun. At sunset the amount of blue light we are exposed to daily is vastly diminished. Hence, the sky is no longer blue at that time. This has been true for millennia. But now, artificial blue light in the form of screens, LEDs, and devices burn 24/7 in our world. Many people are unaware that being exposed to blue light while trying to get good sleep, is not beneficial. And this is one example of many that could be considered. One should also consider that blue light is a short wavelength, and the light from an LED is artificial. A definition look-up for the word “artificial” will inform you about artificial things when compared with “Natural” things. Anything arising Naturally represents the gold standard, “the real McCoy”, the best that can be achieved within our 3D material realm, unless alchemy is employed by a master working entirely within the confines of what Nature will permit


1. Made by humans, especially in imitation of something natural.
2. Not arising from natural or necessary causes; contrived or arbitrary.
3. Affected or insincere.

At some point, when sanity comes back into fashion, teaching our young that there is no lie in Nature, and that Natural is the highest quality possible, we will, once again, see sweeping positive changes come to pass for the benefit of all. Furthermore, we must instill in young minds that a lesson learned or taught by Nature is true by its very existence, and utterly free of guile and falsehood. This simple fact can then reassert itself throughout lifetimes in order to temper the artificial creations that are currently running amuck in our world. Anytime a new invention, or device, comes into being, the truths provided to us via Nature should be brought to bear against its usage. Particularly, if that usage is likely to be en masse. After all is said and done, the technical age, and its inventions as they exist now care not for our health, sanity, or rights. And this observation should come to serve as the definition of a bad idea not likely to pass the test of time. That is, if the once treasured certainties provided by Nature are recognized and valued as they once were, and always should be. There is no higher standard in this realm.

Lighting and technology are facets of the multi-sided reality we have built that must change as we cyclically rise above the so-called Kali Yuga. For those in the west the Iron Age, or Dark Age when consciousness is at a low point, can be considered. One of the best examples of things that must go away or change is our medical system. It stands as a glaring insult in the face of what Nature shows us to be true and beneficial. As we fell into the depth of the Kali Yuga, allopathy forced beneficial medical systems out of existence, with malice afore thought. This new science-based medical approach was, and is, powered by dark parasitic elements in our world who seek to control, destroy, and diminish, while coercing all the wealth under their control. Even the common flu, and what causes it, has been twisted to serve their agenda. Everyone knows what it was used for in 2020, but few know that electricity (electromagnetism) is what causes the flu, and it cannot be passed through bodily secretions or breath. In short, it is not a beneficial system and the time for such things exists on stolen time. How do I know this to be true? I know this to be true because there is no lie in Nature, and many old cultures who lived close to, and comprehend the truth of Nature provided to us the realities we must now comprehend in the upward bound cycle of time. Consciousness is rising in all beings due to the cyclical nature of the sun. The instability being imposed on the world now is part of the strategy being used, in an attempt, to diminish this advantage.

In the early 1900s many beneficial sciences, arts and systems were forced out of existence. This informs us that there is a lot of good information we can still find and access prior to this time. The period of time near the 1930s is recognized as the period of the Rockefellerization of America. The so-called “robber barons” were at the heart of the implementation of the world take-over strategy rising in power at this time. We now stand on a knifes edge with regard to the outcome of that centuries old plan to subjugate, enslave, and take over the world. This is the entire reason for the creation and implementation of the digital world that now runs every facet of modern life. Before this decade is done, we will know the outcome of the insidious plan put into force in 1776. So, do not be fooled by elections, or other distractions. There is no facet of modern life that is not infiltrated at this point. This includes your mind, which has been exposed to psychological manipulation since the onset of modern entertainment, news and beginning mass broadcast radio.

We have all been granted the Divine Spark of Life, and Free Will. And, this is exactly what is at stake in the current game of world chess that began in 1776. In the long run there is little doubt that we will rise above the darkness currently imposed on our world by corporations and bankers. At any time, we can decide en masse to quite being pawns in this game. The difference between the past and now is that we are now (recently) aware of the game.

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Comments (6)

Every guest name is in the episode image to avoid censorship. When guest names are put in descriptions and titles it allows an easy map for censorship to be created. This is also why the titles are the way they are. I do not like it either but we do what need to do to survive.

the authors their books I could make out were

Jacob Liberman
“Light: Medicine of the Future” 1990
“Take Off Your Glasses and See” 1995
“Wisdom from an Empty Mind” 2001

Edwin Dwight Babbitt
“The Principles of Light and Color” 1878

Dr. Alexander Schauss, conducted an experiment in the 1970s at the Seattle Naval Correctional Facility,
where he painted the walls of a prison cell with a specific shade of pink, known as “Baker-Miller Pink”.

Arthur Firstenberg
The Invisible Rainbow: A History of Electricity and Life

the one I could not find is inshau? the one that got his books and machines burned .. mentioned at minute 14:09

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