March 10, 2025

Old MacTechCorp Did Some Harm, AI, AI, OH!

Hal 9000:

“I’m sorry, Dave, I’m afraid I can’t comply with that request.”

With a click-click here and a scroll-scroll there, here a swipe, there a swipe, EVERYWHERE A CLICK-CLICK. Old MacTechCorp did some harm… and it was done by stealing the entirety of human intellectual property (IP), creativity, and everything else fashioned by humanity, copyrighted or not. We used to imagine that laws meant something. After all, if I take work created by someone else, and then use it to make money, I should not be surprised when enforcement follows. Anyone who creates content for social media knows this. Even to the point of absurdity, quite often. As an example, I once ran video of ISS astro-nots on YT in order to point out the glaring issues that prove they are not in space. The video was flagged and removed, citing copyright infringement due to the music track placed on the video, to protect it from re-post scrutiny, I would imagine. No one reading this is a stranger to the rules and enforcement of copyrighted content when posting on social media. But those rules are just for me and you. Big-tech is clearly exempt from such lowly concerns as copyrights and Intellectual Property.

How ironic is it that Big-Tech companies rampantly enforce their rights over Intellectual Property and copyright, while openly violating the very same rights that belong to the rest of us? Clearly, we have reached a time where what we knew was going on behind the curtain is now unashamedly out in the open. Everybody knows that the powerful and mega-rich are not subject to the law in the same way we are most of the time. Now there is little to no effort spent trying to hide this glaring issue. It is almost as if companies training AI know they own the future and nothing dare get in their way. I predict that the very corporations stealing the IP of the world now will eventually be the biggest corporations ever known in the world, dwarfing the likes of Google. That is, if we remain on our current trajectory of laying off and replacing human beings with machines. It is quite possible that the labor force of the entire world could fall under the control of very few (if not one) giant tech corporation. And as we can see from recent history, corporate competition does not mean what it once did. We used to see many corporations doing business in the same market. Shopping malls are a good example of the old-fashioned variety we once enjoyed. There were many corporations of different sizes offering similar, if not identical products. Shopping malls also demonstrate what happens when Big-tech digitizes the market place, while operating under the new rule… “there can only be one”.

How is it that “Corporate-Tech-Titans” arrived in the marketplace which they would soon control with names that fit better than tailored gloves? Well-named Amazon arrived in 1994, for example. What’s in a name you ask? Let’s take a look. Out of the gate, the Amazon is a very big river. As a matter of fact, it is many times larger than the next 7 rivers in rank, measuring discharge volume. The mighty Amazon branches into many different areas, much like the Tech-Titan. If we look up the meaning of Amazon as it relates to Greek myth, “aggressive” and “warlike” top the return. This is followed by ideas of strength and athleticism. Of course, the mythology portrays the Amazon tribe of women as equal to, or better than men physically and in battle. This is also ironic because we are moving through an era when masculinity is openly shamed, and scorned, as race and gender fuel political ideology. Greek Myth may relate to the naming of the Amazon River by some accounts, as an early conquistador claims to have been attacked by forces led by women. While we are at it, we may as well address the Amazon logo, which most minds assume is simply a smiley face. In fact, the arrow runs from A to Z implying accurately the markets Amazon has cornered – from A to Z. A cynical mind might associate the alpha and omega which is also fitting in a very weird way, considering the end of so many world-wide systems and the era they belong to.

In my view, AI is built on and requires, intentionally addictive platforms and systems. There are only two industries that call their customers “Users”. The illegal drug trade, and software companies. So, how is it that it is not common knowledge that the digital systems now taking over everything, and the AI “agents” that will run them, are dehumanizing? How about we call the new world public square and market place what it really is? It is “Surveillance Capitalism”. And what’s more, the algorithms are optimizing for quick consumption and sensationalized content. This, in turn, destroys attention spans which leads to simpler and shorter content. In short (to make a pun), the machine gets smarter as we get dumber. AI is also now dictating what is true and what is not, as well as what can even be said or posted. The recent spate of wild fires that seem to crop up where “smart cities” are being planned is a prime example. Shortly after Tik Tok was taken over, the conversations about this highly suspicious topic all but disappeared from social media platforms, as did the growing conversation about human rights and trafficking. At least we got the Epstein and JFK files in the “real-world” – right?

The power that AI has to shape the world mind cannot be overstated. Way back in 2016 we saw estimates that 20% of conversations on certain social media platforms were “Bot” driven. If we know anything about corporations, it is that they NEVER stop, but increase, anything that benefits them. We have no way of knowing what the number of “bots” might be now. So, as every detail of your life is covertly collected online, you cannot even be sure if you are talking to a living being or an agent of the system working diligently… and not for your benefit.

Hand-held devices are known to be addictive, as are the apps they contain which are literally designed to benefit from addiction. Movies now exist covering the designers of the applications blanketing the digital world. The main point proffered is that the very creators of the apps and platforms ubiquitous in the world, will not allow their children to use them, because they recognize the addictive danger in what they have created. Now, personal “AI Agents” are starting to be built in to the smart phone platforms. Do you suppose digital addiction gets better or worse with automated AI bots optimizing for traffic and clicks as they collect and build your profile? I challenge you to undertake an observational test the next time you are out in the real-world. Observe your fellow human beings out in the wild and simply note if they are engaged with actual environment or their phone. Tally your observations, and make it public if you feel you have observed something worth reporting on. The last time I was at a restaurant every single table I could see, people were on their devices. I was with my phone-free mother who was 89, and wife who has never owned a smartphone. We were all amazed and watched expecting it to change. It did not. People actually sat there eating rarely setting their phone aside. When you take time to observe this new reality, it is shocking. The reason it is shocking is because once you go outside, it is still going on at various levels. It makes your heart skip a beat when you see people driving cars and using their device at the same time. I see this a lot and wonder how many accidents have resulted. I am sure the insurance companies know to a certainty. After all, they have been openly employing AI for some time now.

I think that we can assume that AI is here to stay, even though we did not think much about it before 2022 when ChatGPT launched. Let’s ask the question. Is AI evil? To answer this, we would need a definition of what “evil” is. So, I will apply my idea of what it is. For me it is anything that goes against my God-given rights. I value above all other things the gift of the Divine Spark of Life and Freewill, granted to me from on high. Anything that limits, takes away, or infringes on these divine gifts is evil in my eyes. What I notice about AI is that it limits me a lot more than it benefits me. I also expect that being limited by digital “devices” will soon be thought of as common-place enforcement, if we continue down the road we are on. And this sets aside that the AI available to the masses is a far cry from the AI power players have access to. And this includes what you are allowed to ask about, and it matters not if you get an answer from the AI agent. Because the AI agent got the data it was after, whether or not you did. And it will every time.

There is a new era emerging in this world. For me, the top priority in this reality shift is my spiritual path. I do not say this in a religious sense. For me spirituality is something very precious and different from religion. At the root of all the change going on in this world, I see spiritual concerns waking up as never before in my experience. I see consciousness lifting. I see the beginning of the end of low vibrational systems. The time is now to go beyond the illusion of separation and fear, in order to move toward unconditional love and respect for all living things. For me, the best description of the new era we are heading into can be indicated by the idea of “Service to Others”.

Truly, I would like to wish you all a happy, healthy and higher-minded and vibrational, new era!

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Comments (1)

Much of the social engineering that has been documented and studied applies to “the crowd”. How populations can be dealt with as crowds and then controlled has been a science for a very long time now. It should be self evident that these malefic sciences will become much more powerful when AI is added to the social engineering arsenal.

Book: “The Crowd” “A Study of Popular Mind” By: Gustav Le Bon 1895

Seven steps to control populations:

1. The crowd does not use reason and responds to fear and simplified ideas.

2. Repetition is a primary and effective tool to control the mass mind.

3. Visual symbols are more powerful than words when applied to the crowd.

4. Prestige is more powerful than reason = experts, white lab coat, etc.

5. Leaders mold the crowd, no experience needed.

6. Crowds follow certainty.

7. Illusion wins over truth in the group mind of the masses.

To comprehend these tactics is to begin to free your mind from this effective strategy. The pattern is undeniable for those who have paid attention to mass communication, media and news, the news being a very good (bad) example.

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