#011 Quarter Disc Prominence
Size: 3313px X 3665px 🡪 46” X 50.9”
Each solar image file has an additional 25 pixels around the image boundary to facilitate printing. While you can print a size of your choice at home, you might consider using a professional printer. This would provide paper quality, and size options for the final print, to include glossy finish. The solar image files have been created so that you have the option to create large prints in feet, as opposed to inches. It is not recommended that you exceed the listed print size, unless you are using a professional printer. Printing images that are smaller than the listed image size is fine, as long as the aspect ratio is not changed.
This quarter disc shot was captured on 9/15/24. The image displays a sun spot, filaments and prominences at the solar limb. The Sun is filmed in black and white to capture maximum detail. False color has been added to this image to assist the human eye with an expected color. The data was captured in the Hydrogen Alpha spectrum using a 130 mm Lunt solar telescope. All images were personally captured, processed, and finished by Crow.