468- Imagine His Story as a Game of Scrabble – Part II (Free)

This episode picks up as Part II of episode 459. We begin where we left off as a result of so many member requests to have our guest back on. Our guest has 5 books now, published under the title heading “Spirit Whirled”. The first book alone will help minds consider words in a different (more…)

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467- Frequency and Vibration are Key in any Age (Free)

If a thing exists it vibrates – so to speak. Event things we cannot see with our eyes. Frequency and vibration are among the foundational concerns of our technical age. And while these realities seem to get very little notice, that will not be the case for much longer. From commercial communication to our mental (more…)

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466- Here We Cover Myth… Collected by Mr. Smith, Having No Body, Mind or Soul – AI, AI, O (Free)

There was a time, not too long ago, when the “classics” (Greek myth, etc.) were the foundation of a well-rounded education. This included reading Greek and Latin, as well as translating and writing both languages. And while our current education levels have fallen far by comparison, it is never too late to read, minimally, Greek (more…)

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465.5- Did You Know the Sun is Moving North now? Let’s Talk about the Skyclock as Daylight Lengthens (Free)

As of yesterday, the days will once again grow longer as darkness diminishes, having passed the Winter Solstice (low point of the sun) on December 21st. It is time that we in this Creation begin to rebuild our knowledge of cycles and seasons, which requires that we comprehend the Skyclock and its relationship to our (more…)

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464- Building an Information Bridge to Generations Y & Z (Free)

There is currently a growing information gap between the so-called baby boomers (born before 1965-ish) and generations Y (born early 80s-90s) and Z (born near 2000). In past cultures important information and learning were passed from parents and grandparents to children. In those days culture was based on something very different than it is today. (more…)

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463- Movies and TV Invented the Aliens and UFOs in Your Mind (Free)

If you have never seen a thing but have an image in your mind of said thing, what does that tell you? It tells you that you might be best served by carefully considering things in order to avoid accepting fantastic ideas. This is the reality of aliens and UFOs. And while we cannot certainly (more…)

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462- The Story of Unadulterated Tobacco Made in Nature (Free)

I imagine most of us think of cancer when we hear the word tobacco, but this was not always the case. There was a time before the corporate adulteration of tobacco. Tobacco is made in nature, which means it serves a purpose in this creation, and as our guest informs us, has a deep-rooted relationship (more…)

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461- Blinded by Science – and Lack of Classics – Greek Myth (Free)

There is a reason that education 90 years ago was founded on classics. An educated person, in that higher-minded time, was taught to read in Greek and Latin to enable them to read the classics in these older languages. Again, from a much higher-minded and serious time. In the modern era the classics are all (more…)

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