Is it possible that Italy was actually founded as Phoenicia’s greatest colony? Is it true that the Israelites and Solomon’s Temple have never been mentioned by any historian from antiquity? Would Sanskrit be better described as Holy Write, or Sun Script? In our time we are left with so many questions, and in this episode, (more…)
Most of the significant events in our time can be traced back to very specific archetypes. These archetypes have existed as far back as we can see and seem to come into view via Greek Myth. The significant event we call Rock-n-Roll began in the 1950s and gained momentum in the 60s. In this episode (more…)
Our guest once again informs us that there is a perfectly good legal system in place – if you know how to use it. He also offers folks a way to get up to speed with the basics, if they so desire. For those of you who do not want to reclassify or change status, (more…)
Here is a quote from a 1977 movie called “Oh, God!”, where God is speaking to a grocery store manager. “Chemicals, chemicals, turning kids into garbage cans.” He is, of course, talking about cereal, and yes, the quality of food has been in the “garbage can” for a long time now in the west. Two (more…)
In this episode we observe bears in the wild. Observation has shown that these free-range bears act in a very unusual way – for this era. They are regularly observed helping one another, to include cross-species assistance. It seems certain that if there is a tough winter this year, these bears will not be hibernating. (more…)
We touch on a lot of ideas in this episode. Among them are crypto, human rights, legal or law ideas and how to stand up for yourself. Our guest offers solutions and has helped a lot of folks out there with an impressive track record. Much of what we cover is considered through a spiritual (more…)
One of the most powerful and divisive spells in the modern era is the red-blue spell. It is a controlling false dynamic which ensures the masses fight endlessly, so the house always wins. This is spelled out verbatim in the banker’s speech that was delivered in plain English, in 1924. It was delivered by the (more…)
It has been said that every plant in this creation has its cause, worth and use. It has also been said that it is the dose that determines if a thing is poisonous. If this is true then it stands to reason that a little knowing goes a long way, with regard to the magical (more…)
It has been said: “A Wise Man Rules By The Stars, A Fool Is Ruled By Them”. Suffice it to say that there is much to relearn about the Skyclock and the influences that affect our lives. In our era every effort has been made to make such ideas silly. Astrology and astronomy are constantly (more…)
This part 2 of episode 448. There are still things in this world that have not been digitized, or “described” digitally. On the other hand, most manufactured things are now designed digitally, from which “hard-copies” are made. Much of the geography we are aware of has also been digitized, to include very old buildings, structures, (more…)