There are still things in this world that have not been digitized, or “described” digitally. On the other hand, most manufactured things are now designed digitally, from which “hard-copies” are made. Much of the geography we are aware of has also been digitized, to include very old buildings, structures, oceans and landmasses. This represents the (more…)
Is it possible to find reality without the help of another? Logically the answer must be yes. Which can be confirmed by knowing there was a first-time that reality was found, or any other thing for that matter. The fact that there was a first-time for everything demonstrates that much can be achieved without someone (more…)
It has been said that dis-ease is the outcome of a spiritual reality that has already taken place. A number of books written in the late 1800s, into the early 1900s, are the source of such claims. It should also be noted that the claims I am referring to are made by those who also (more…)
While the name Tycho Brahe (astrologer, alchemist, spagyrist, early astronomer) does appear in textbooks, what he did takes a back-seat to names like Keppler and Copernicus. In this there is irony. Neither Keppler or Copernicus did any real first-hand observation of the heavens. Tycho Brahe spent a life-time observing first-hand. It is also ironic that (more…)
The most powerful thing in this world is a story. A story cannot be removed from our minds. A story cannot be destroyed. The only way to change the effect of a story is to modify it, tell a better story, or wait until the story is forgotten. The world is built on stories and (more…)
What happens when this life is over and we die? It has been called “throwing off the mortal coil”, along with many other fanciful descriptions that seem to leave the realities of it up to our imaginations. But what really happens? Is it the same for all of us? I have been considering this question (more…)
The study of how vibration creates form is called Cymatics. It is likely that this currently forgotten science is the foundational key to all 3D form. Search the word “Cymatics” on YT and then comprehend that you just witnessed form being created out of thin air – by vibration. Why is blue colored blue, cement (more…)
It used to be that our nutrition was ingested through our food. But in the modern era much of our food is nutrition depleted. This is due to food processing, genetic modification, sugar, soil depletion, and a general lack of concern for health by the corporations that stock our grocery store shelves with so-called goods. (more…)
Oracle: Hey Neo, are you the One? Neo: I’m not sure. Oracle: I guess you are not the One then, and it looks like you are waiting for something. Sign over the doorway: Know Thyself. We have all been granted rights. They come to exist when we are created at the zygote, as a gift (more…)
Changing how we think about Nature can improve our overall view of everything in this realm. If the sky tends to be a positive charge, and the ground negative, how is it that we do not consider this as the benchmark for energy storage? Of course, man-made batteries need charging while Nature does not and (more…)