Here is a first-hand account, with event audio, of a grown man holding his position. His tone, tenor and communication is spot on, with regard to effectiveness. The situation was handled so well we are covering it here as an example of what to do when faced with having to defend your rights. The whole (more…)
As we have covered in the past, homeopathy and natural remedies were made public enemy #1 in the 1920s. If you live in America, you may be hard-pressed to find homeopathic services and remedies, even in some big cities. The effort of main-stream medicine to replace homeopathy was very effective. In this episode we are (more…)
Many folks have listened to the law episodes and seem to think that with the right magical piece of paper, all legal trouble will go away. This is not the case and this mindset is actually a good way to get into real trouble. The point of the law-based episodes is to facilitate comprehension. Here, (more…)
In the last six decades the quality and curriculum of public school has plummeted to all-time lows. Mathematics, reading and general comprehension skills have, of course, fallen to new lows. Coupled with the onset of the digital age, the quality of information has left the realm of research and scholars and been taken over by (more…)
In this episode we cover ideas about birth and death. And while we are all subject to these transitions, very little is currently known, or considered about birth and death, in our changing era. How can it be that the most important change-points in our lives are so readily hidden or ignored? All is not (more…)
This episode begins with a couple who hold their position under pressure, and win. As one door closes behind them, another door opens to their future, far from the city lights. Rights violations and illegal pressures are evident in this account, which is what leads to their departure from city living, having held their position. (more…)
Many feel that public schools have been dumbed down to unacceptable levels. This can actually be quantified by comparing grade school curriculums from the early 1900s against the education of a 4-year college graduate. The result is an eye opener. And then there is the observation that public school in the modern era has become (more…)
As is reflected in the episode title, music is currently in permanent free-fall. We have reached a point where much of what we call music does not even incorporate melody or harmony, nor are the “performers” musicians. Part of this statement is nothing new and began when rock n roll began. As an example of (more…)
Nature is inherent within the Creation. And therefore, Natural Law is inherent within reality. Natural Law is universal, not man-made, binding and eternal. One can observe that the only true law is Natural Law, and all other ideas of law are synthetic constructs requiring constant human effort and maintenance to prevent breakdown. Conversely, Natural Law (more…)
Here we take a look back in time at how and who guided new lives into this realm. For centuries birth was the realm of women. This appears to be a strange thing to say but a concerted effort to remove women from the birthing process can be shown in the modern era. Once upon (more…)