618- Old MacTechCorp Did Some Harm, AI, AI, OH! (Free)

With a click-click here and a scroll-scroll there, here a swipe, there a swipe, EVERYWHERE A CLICK-CLICK. Old MacTechCorp did some harm… and it was done by stealing the entirety of human intellectual property (IP), creativity, and everything else fashioned by humanity, copyrighted or not. We used to imagine that laws meant something. After all, (more…)

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616.5- Commander in Chief, Endless State of Emergency, Ex-inauguration Day March 4 (Free)

We are very fortunate to live in a country built on ideals of freedom. Near our founding, High-minded documents, and the Constitution were drafted. The Constitution was created to ensure our rights, to protect states and citizens, and to prevent the federal government from infringing on rights and laws. This glorious document is referred to (more…)

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616- The Reality of Now without Pulling Punches (Free)

The systems of our world that make modern life possible are slowly coming under the control of the ultra-wealthy via corporations. Many of these systems are no longer visible to the general public, and all but free of oversight. The stock market is a good example of this reality. We are told that so-called “dark (more…)

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615- Pawns in the Game Since 1773 (Free)

Is there an ongoing battle between good and evil? For my part, the answer to this age-old question is a resounding yes. In my view, this era of hyper-materialism and informational deception is a strategy designed to obscure a non-stop moral tug-of-war that seeks to diminish morality. The realities associated with this struggle, for me, (more…)

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614- Good Wine Needs no “Bush”, but Politics Does which Shows its Lack of Virtue & Value (Free)

When something is “good” it needs no advertisement. This is the meaning behind the title of this episode, “Good wine needs no bush”. One might apply this idea to politics to comprehend that it requires constant promotion, marketing, and advertisement, thereby unmasking its inability to exist by its own merits and value. In this episode, (more…)

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613- Military Industrial Complex = Ungovernable – Automated – Endless Conflict Machine (Free)

In my lifetime, I have known true freedom. Up until about my fifteenth year living in the countryside, I experienced absolute freedom. This was, of course, made possible by others who had less freedom than I did… my mother and father. They provided food, a roof over my head, and the other things needed to (more…)

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612- Let there be Tainted Light – The Blue Light (not so) Special (Free)

At nearly every turn, we see modern technology replacing quality and health with convenience and control. Modern lighting is an example of this. We have known for a long time about the health issues associated with certain types of artificial lights. Fluorescent lights are known to be harmful and toxic. However, their continued use is (more…)

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