519- I Agreed to Forget About 9 Months of My Life (Free)

When does life begin? We have covered this reality a number of times to point out that life begins at the zygote. Recently legislation was passed in South Korea that attempts to do away with cultural traditions of counting and recognizing the 9 months of life before birth. They are one of a few countries (more…)

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518- What is Another Way to Say the Sun in May? (Free)

Modern living has all but lost track of the importance of the light of this world, known as the Sun. This is not true for religion and so-called secret societies. Though, even in these institutions the average mind has not put 1 and 1 together, leaving the sun encoded in scripture and text. It is (more…)

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517- Would You Like to Play a Game of World-Wide Chess? (Free)

It does not take a genius to comprehend the planned implosion of America. Nor is it hard to see that this controlled demolition is happening in many places that used to be prosperous. And yet, there are no protests in the streets, or push-back of any kind that matters. This will change at some point, (more…)

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516- The Divine Spark of Life, Freewill and the Plant Kingdom (Free)

We are all Beneficiaries of this Creation, and one of the primary benefits is free access to the Plant Kingdom. Comprehending and claiming our God given rights is critical, and it is also a target for those who seek to control and to diminish rights all over this world. After all, those who have no (more…)

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515- Aliens Reported Gambling in Vegas, Media Abuse Cited (Free)

Imagine inventing a news story and then launching it across all news and internet outlets. Now imagine you have access to search engine stats and social media data. In real-time you would be able to deduce not only the reach of the fiction, but an accurate percentage of those who accept the narrative. Welcome to (more…)

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514- Literature that Celebrates Fiction in Science (Free)

In 1953 the Hugo Award was created to honor “notable achievement” in science fiction. That almost sounds like an award based on how well one can be fooled into accepting fantasy as scientific. The actual award takes the shape of a rocket ship and is named after Hugo Gernsback who in 1926 published the first (more…)

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513- Energy Age Gardening & Parasite Cleansing (Free)

We are beginning to see an explosion in the use of subtle electricity, as is predicted for the age of energy. Electroculture, or harnessing atmospheric energy in your garden, is on the rise. The result of employing electroculture is often astonishing, and yet, we are just beginning to re-learn what is possible and what methods (more…)

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511- Welcome to the Transhuman Machine, It’s Alright We Know Where You’ve Been (Free)

In the book Dune (1965) we are introduced to the concept of the Butlerian Jihad which was a universal war fought to deal with thinking machines. But, how did the author know, all those years ago? There were so many who knew, and all of them publishing music, books and movies that pre-echo the reality (more…)

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510- There’s One for You, Nineteen for Me, I’m the Taxman (Free)

“Should 5% appear too small, be thankful I don’t take it all.” The irony of this lyric (and the episode title with the 911 encode) is that it was likely the taxing forces themselves, or their social engineering arm, that created the message in this song. As we now know, the world’s most famous band (more…)

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