509- The Plant Kingdom, Herbs, Vinegar and Sunny Blue Skies (Free)

In an older time of spiritual masters there was an idea that the plant kingdom provides us with a perfect example of how we should live our lives. Here, in our synthetic era, we have become very detached from the truths held in nature, to the point where it may be difficult for us to (more…)

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508- There Used to be Natural Weather (Free)

All these decades later you can still point up to the persistent white lines in the sky in an attempt to get people to catch on to the reality of weather manipulation. But still, they mostly look at you like you have lost your mind. It is quite frustrating considering weather manipulation is openly admitted (more…)

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507- The Radioactive Wastelands that Never Were (Free)

Human beings tend to accept information simply because they have been told by authority that the information is true. It is astonishing the amount of information, history, and events in general that are “believed”, and yet, fail to stand up to simple logic or common sense. Nonetheless, here we are, residing in a world of (more…)

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505- Gen Z is right on Time for an End and a Reset (Free)

Imagine that, a generational count down using letters that arrive neatly at Z for the so-called Great Reset. But these things are plausibly deniable and clearly conspiratorial. Of course, so many of our world’s events are hidden or swept under the rug using such logical responses aimed at those who dare. Nonetheless, here we are, (more…)

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504- The Fall of Money, the Rise of One, Zero and Control (Free)

Once upon a time, in our not-too-distant past, value was created by nature. For time immemorial cultures agreed that gold and silver are valuable. Beyond monetary concerns these elemental metals are known to have intrinsic value as well, due to a myriad of uses beyond buying and selling. Spiritually gold and silver also have meaning (more…)

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503- Searching for Nonsense-free History (Free)

It is becoming very evident that the history we have been handed does not hold water. How is it that we have accepted illogical, fallacious timelines in our textbooks for so long? A simple look at ancient architecture and stone-craft absolutely proves the false narrative that we have been told is “scientifically proven” history. And (more…)

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501- Examining the Skyclock and Coming Energies and Events (Free)

The fact that the Skyclock exerts energies in our world is not really arguable. It is the cause of the seasons and everything we see and experience in nature. With that in mind we take a look at coming energies from a sidereal perspective. Many suspect currencies will be among the huge changes in our (more…)

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500- Impending Choices and the Age of Energy (Free)

Electricity is becoming both an empowering force, and a restrictive force in this era of change. Electricity is powering the digital world which will soon envelope all aspects of modern life, to include cars. The digital take-over will bring with it many limitations, if the majority of us agree to accept such changes. Things we (more…)

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499- A Time of Choice & Change in a Realm of Duality (Free)

Social programming and engineering are currently full-steam ahead. Old tricks are being combined and invoked by mainstream media. They know that individually each of these toxic ideologies has a history of “creating” programmed “reactions”. The race card, gender card and politics have all been distilled into a single, toxic, socially engineered mind virus, creating division. (more…)

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