498- The Obscured Cycle of Ages and the Age of Energy (Free)

We have lost track of the cycles called ages, but there are those in this world who have not. And for those few who know they have the distinct advantage of comprehending what is likely based on previous cycles. In the same way we comprehend what seasons mean in the course of a year, we (more…)

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497.5- 2 Parts Hydrogen and 1 Part Oxygen is 100 Percent Amazing (Free)

We are in the midst of rapid change which is being facilitated by both powerful organizations and the realities of cyclical time. This is easy to observe in modern systems, technology and culture. What is not so easily detected is the expansion of human consciousness. Powerful organizations are employing shameful methods to retard the expanding (more…)

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497- Privacy, Freedom, Money & Work According to AI (Free)

You are living in a time of change that is unrivaled in known history. Currently the bulk of everyday systems are run via automation. And though code has been running behind the scenes for some time now, like 911, automation has been placed into open operational view now. The automation is called Artificial Intelligence (AI) (more…)

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496- Misunderstanding How Music is Made (Free)

Imagine a world where talented musicians make music for the benefit of those who love music. Unfortunately, that is not this world. At least not as far as the music industry is concerned. As we all now know from past episodes social engineering is delivered most frequently via media. This includes news, movies, TV and (more…)

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495- Cleaning Out with Coffee Works Wonders (Free)

As far as I know Max Gerson was the first to show the power of using coffee to clean out the body. Almost 100 years ago Max Gerson announced he had a cure for many deadly diseases implementing coffee as part of the remedy. Within three months his method was made illegal in this country. (more…)

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494- Rediscovering Frequency & Vibration Over & Over Again (Free)

There have been many minds that have discovered and improved our comprehension of frequency and vibration. And yet, each time our comprehension of vibration is censored and hidden away from mainstream applications that might be accessed by many. In truth our medical systems, technical systems and daily lives could be leaps and bounds beyond where (more…)

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493- Defining the Certification of Birth Paper Trail (Free)

Our guest has spent a lot of time tracking documents and defining the language and source of the certification paper trail that begins at most births. Along the way there have been many twists and turns, to say the least. Trying to discover who created the documents and what the words in them mean has (more…)

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492- Unmasking November 22 1963 Via King Kill 33 – Part II (Free)

This episode (492) is part 2 of Episode 491: Without the work of James Shelby Downard and Michael Hoffman the dark methodology of social engineers, dark wizards, would likely be invisible to us. None-the-less, even with their work, the manipulations and spells march on with impunity. In the text called “King Kill 33” Downard obliterates (more…)

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491- Unmasking November 22 1963 Via King Kill 33 – Part I (Free)

Without the work of James Shelby Downard and Michael Hoffman the dark methodology of social engineers, dark wizards, would likely be invisible to us. None-the-less, even with their work, the manipulations and spells march on with impunity. In the text called “King Kill 33” Downard obliterates the dark veil of secrecy that has facilitated the (more…)

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490- Beneficial Frequencies & Vibrations in the Age of Electricity (Free)

I suspect we are moving into an “energy” age. If this is correct the energy is electricity. This would also mean we are leaving an age based in “materialism”. In this episode we talk about energy and ways to surround ourselves with beneficial energies. It is time we pay attention to frequencies as electricity is (more…)

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