489- What is in a Voice? Everything (Free)

If it exists it vibrates, which is also true of the human voice. This simple truth will become more important as we get further into the age of energy and leave the age of materialism behind. In the new era what appears to be magic to us now will become commonplace. The majestic possibilities of (more…)

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457- Biomagnetism, Your Biography becomes Your Biology (Free)

Our guest lost his wife to cancer last November. This community stood to help as they could, but still, loss would follow. We have come to a point where desperation and loss often follow the allopathic methods that have come to dominate our era. Need I mention the crippling monetary cost of the allopathic machine? (more…)

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Epi017 – Chemtrails, Poison Skies, Manufactured Weather Droughts, Psychopathic Elite ( Free)

    Chemtrails, aerosol spraying, heavy metals, weather modification, the awakening, predator rulers, parasite elite, lab tests of chemtrail debris, world population, false news, spraying lithium in the sky, spiritual war, good vs evil, ruling class as a different species, effects of emotion, enlightenment, belief, ego traps, elite bloodlines, 1984, JFK, blood sacrifice, the lie (more…)

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