591- There Can Only be One, If They Win (Free)

Why does it feel like everything is changing? Why does it feel like something, or someone, is trying to take over the entire world? It is very clear that the era, or age is changing, but it also seems like powerful forces are aware of the cyclical shift, and are leveraging off the energy in (more…)

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590- The Era of Toxic Overload – with Dr. Robert (Free)

In this episode we learn more about how to deal with this era of toxic overload. There are a number of important nutrients that are required when one seeks to detox, among other things worth knowing. Also, we cover how, and where, one can test to determine what metals and toxins are present before seeking (more…)

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589.5- Special 2nd Sun Episode (Free)

This episode covers the work I have been doing with my solar telescope. It also covers what I consider to be relevant information about the sun. In the modern era most of what we are told about the Skyclock and luminaries is completely separated from any idea of spiritual concerns. In my view this is (more…)

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589- New Life with a Natural Advantage, a Soul Arrives Pharma-Free (Free)

At what point did we decide that nature no longer knows how to bring new life into the world without our medical, pharmaceutical, and technological intervention? At what point did childbirth become connected with fear and danger? We know that bad things can happen, but in truth, isn’t misfortune an infrequent experience? The alchemists of (more…)

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588- Solfeggio, Beneficial Frequencies in Music is Common Sense (Free)

Music used to “soothe the soul”. Some decades ago, it was weaponized. Not only were the frequencies being used intentionally shifted away from beneficial vibration but, the content itself was slowly moved away from brilliant complexity, toward lower minded and simplified messaging and melody. In some cases what we call music today has no melody, (more…)

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587- Vibration Creates the Material World – Everything (Free)

It would have been very helpful, and useful, if in our school days we were taught the foundational importance of vibration. Color, sound, form, shape and light are related when they are considered as a frequency, or vibration. There is probably a very good reason why the importance of vibration is barely mentioned in modern (more…)

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586- Take a Ride on Heavy Metals, or Get Rid of Them (Free)

From our food, to the air we breathe, and the water we drink, the world has become a very toxic place. For those of us who wish to be healthy, toxins have become a primary concern. Toxicity is becoming the main suspect associated with many modern woes, and health concerns we all must deal with. (more…)

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585.5- Revelation of the Method 7-13-24 – Our Processing in the Alchemical Crucible (Free)

Our guest was friends and worked with James Shelby Downard, and co-authored “King Kill 33”. Until you have read KK 33, you remain blind to the hidden methods that were used in the occult founding of this country. In this episode we will examine the latest societal destabilization event that is being broadcast around the (more…)

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585- Q & A Part II – Spiritual Concerns Rise as Dishonesty & Corruption Normalize (Free)

This episode is part II (part one is episode 582) covering spiritually based questions submitted by members. I am noticing that as the world comes under increasing pressure spiritual matters are becoming more important, as we weather the winds of change. It is my sincere hope that each of you has found, and established, a (more…)

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