“I see a nation predominantly unaware of an impending end game perpetrated by those who hide, lie and rule.”
~ Crrow777 ~
Welcome to America – parachutes not included
I am writing this article stuck in a hotel room in Amarillo Texas. It seems I have managed to drive into one hell of an ice storm and have to wait another day before I am able to continue on I-40, headed for New England. As I drove into Texas yesterday it was quickly apparent that the roads were covered in ice and that snow plows were nowhere to be found and zero de-icing was taking place. This is a far cry from the ice storm (called the ice storm of the century) I drove through on I-40 in 2001, leaving New England ,headed back to San Diego. In 2001 I woke up in Tulsa Oklahoma and hit the road headed west. I began to see that all the trees were broken off at about twenty feet due to ice and wind. One by one the radio stations went off the air until only one remained broadcasting from southern Oklahoma. To top it off the east bound lanes had closed due to big rig accidents and the west bound interstate was down to a single lane. As power was out in multiple states it was not possible to buy gas so my wife and I had to decide if a quarter tank would make the Texas border where we reasoned a rich state might have services. It did. We crossed the border on fumes to see lineman restoring power, roads de-iced and gas available at the first exit. Our gamble paid off back then but it is no longer 2001 and now in 2015 we see signs of the coming fall everywhere. It is ironic that the changes we now see owe their genesis to September 2001. When the planned demolition of the Twin Towers occurred it not only cost me a very good job but it set in motion a chain of events that has brought America to the precipice that is now so evident.
As I drove into Amarillo yesterday I counted over 25 big rig accidents from the western Texas border to Amarillo and saw at least that many that had been dragged out of the median. Again, there were no snow plows on the east bound side of I-40 and there was no de-icing – of any kind. This is very telling when you consider that the I-40 corridor carries innumerable big rigs every day which are the life blood of this nation. Yesterday I watched a seemingly endless line of truckers struggle to keep their rigs on the road. A road that was littered with trucks due to an ice storm made worse by the lack of any immediate response from those charged with de-icing and plowing the roads. I am unsure if this is due to current budgets but none the less certainly a sign of the times.
As I checked into the hotel I am writing this article from I looked up at the lobby TV monitor, fixed on Fox News, to discover yet another staged shooting event had just taken place; this time the news spewed the words “active shooter” (Pavlonian and coded words) at Planned Parenthood. This is more irony as training drills often use the words “active shooter”. I felt like crying as I began to laugh looking around the lobby to gage the response of fellow guests. Inside I was crying as I realize no one in the room had the tools needed to detect the fraud. I was handed my key thinking about the coming staged, planned, coded and choreographed fall of America. But America is not alone in this total control game. Indeed, it seems there are very few places left in this world FREE of the fingerprints/effects of false flag events to include war.
The temperature was just above zero as I reached my hotel room and the wind chill nearly unbearable – a fitting metaphor for the country I have traveled and watched for so long… Just above zero.
Not only did the fox build the hen house, he invented the history of chickens
As is typical in Texas there is a statue of a horse in front of this hotel. It is painted red, white and blue to reflect the state flag and the lone star is placed the on statues blue forehead. And while this may seem ubiquitous, and it is, the name of the hotel is written on the horse’s neck. Do you understand why I mention this? Are you a person who sees detail? Are you a person who pays attention? Anyway, I mention this as it informs me who owns controlling interest in this establishment. I will leave it to the reader to work this out though. I will mention the numbers game and word “neck” should be your focus. I can resolve this paragraph in the THC comments section if need be.
It is a funny thing to live in a world where the majority of people are completely unaware that the ruling class has us completely and covertly under siege. It is much like living in a world populated by blind people who cannot hear and also lack the sense of smell. In a way I envy the bliss of these folks but at the same time I am upset with them as they ensure the outcome of the calculated persecution at hand. These are the folks who will assure you that the above described statue is just so much plaster.
It is the second day in this hotel. I want to be on the road but still the icy roads persist. After breakfast I took my dog out into the freezer to go potty. As I came back in I saw something I thought had died out with my generation. Two little girls playing ring around the rosy spinning in a handheld circle and falling to the ground at completion. Again it occurs to me that no one in the lobby has any clue as to the ghoulish death meme these children are unknowingly echoing. I begin to think about the numerous childhood regurgitations most of us are taught that echo the underlying death training that prepares us all for a short life of control and programming never having reached the heights of what a human being can be.
“Ring around the rosy”: Reference to the sores of a plague victim.
“Pocket full of posies”: Reference to sweet smelling herbs/flowers put in pockets of the stinking plague corpses.
“Ashes, ashes, we all fall down”: Reference to the death and cremation of plague corpses.
Three Blind Mice, London Bridge is Falling Down – the regurgitation list scrolls through my mind. As I head back to my room I decide to ignore reality for a while but not before I consider how insidious a society we have become as we knowingly lie to our children about the existence of Santa, the Easter Bunny and Tooth Fairy. The lie is told, the truth discovered at some point and then the lie told again when the young advance in years remembering the training they received from their parents – wrong, all of it. If the truth will set you free then surrendering the truth for the youngest of us attempts to ensure that no one will be free. And don’t get me started on Santa, master of the winter solstice, also known in allegory as hell – fire and ice.
On the third day in Texas the roads are passable again. I will finish this article in Rhode Island. Heavy rain and storms follow us to the New York state line.
Even a slight system change can ruin balance and end harmony/resonance.
Eight cycles a second weaponizes music, one hour change at equinoxes de-cycles humans.
I have arrived in New England. In some ways it feels like paradise lost and in others freedom gained. And while neither of these things is completely true, human beings have a tendency to convince themselves of things that only serve their ego, which, by the way, is not even “them” in the first place. A strange world indeed when we all mistake the “other” for ourselves.
As many who follow me know my first order of business on the east coast was to prepare to shoot the occultation of Venus behind the moon – or so we are told. For five days I tracked the progression of these two night lights in crystal clear skies. The day of the event I woke to clear skies but watched at dawn as a literal fleet of chemplanes sprayed debris over the ecliptic blocking my view of sun and moon. I have never seen so many aerosol planes here – one after the other. I stopped counting as I approached thirty planes in under an hour. The sky was closed to viewing very quickly. Understanding that even a slight adjustment to any system can have overwhelming effects, I wonder at the now irreversible change that has been wrought in our air and skies. There must be an end game.
The milestone we call 911 both announced and guaranteed the end game assertion while covertly demoting America using staged lies and deceit. Our actor in chief is even proclaiming America is in a “new phase” now. We are no longer #1 and it appears China is now poised to occupy that slot, further proof of the immanent fall of the US and proof that rules are made above governments who are merely pawns but careful examination of space agencies tells us this already. So many people still think government has something to do with the plight and wars of our world; so few can detect the fiction or skit that is world news and events that make us all puppets to puppeteers above government. Truly all the world is a stage and the people actors all. Though we are mostly unaware, we are actors none the less who have been unknowingly coerced into our roles. Not so for the real actors though. The politicians, news and Hollywood crews are indistinguishable at this point, but they know full well the lies that are being told. If America, home of the free and the brave, can fall, there is no place in this world that cannot be taken down and controlled in the same way. The current poster child is wearing red, white and blue with a touch of black over one eye. Get it?
What does it matter to ya, When you got a job to do you got to do it well,
You got to give the other fella hell
… and right now you are the other fella.
If you are a person who understands and can see the validity in the assertions made here you must be asking yourself – Yeah – but what can I do? There is a lot you can do actually and doing nothing is what those who would control us are counting on.
First off, make no mistake; the majority of the problems we face are perpetrated against society through media, specifically news, TV and movies with some of the worst damage being done on local, national and international news. It is from these outlets that the majority of false news and events is seeded into the minds of society acting as a mind weapon for those not yet awake. These sleepy folk make up the majority of our society – it seems. Now that we have ID’d the main source of the problem let’s talk about what you as an individual can do.
1. As a rule of thumb you should avoid watching TV as no human being is immune to flicker rates, frequency manipulation and content intended to have a repeatable effect on human beings. Even if you understand that the content being presented is whole sale BS, TV has a provable and intended effect on people. In fact many of the clueless people you will speak to no longer think and simply regurgitate what they heard on TV and accept it for individual thought – which it is not. Being convinced you are a Republican or Democrat is a good example. Look up “Palov’s Dogs” as the classical conditioning techniques outlined there will give insight to how easily media molds society.
2. From this point forward treat all crisis based news as false. It is better to be wrong 1 in a 100 times than it is to feed the beast even once. In doing so your public persona with regard to crisis news should be aloof in order to project an attitude that clearly shows you do not accept or tolerate false news.
3. Do not argue with people in order to try and convince them that crisis news is false. These folk, for the most part, are not ready to wake up. If you are a person who examines the false events and can demonstrate reasons why the news is false, that should be shared if the person to whom you speak is receptive. Ranting, arguing and raving helps no one.
4. Understand that paying to see movies or paying for TV services is, in fact, giving money to the enemy. If you choose to do these things you need to be aware that you are doing it.
5. Understand that all language has meaning and by extension an effect. In some ways spelling and language are no different than magic as it allows an individual to create something out of thin air and use it to implant images and ideas in the minds of others. This point, by extension, should inform you about how the enemy uses language and events as a mind weapon against the weak minded and subservient.
6. All false crisis events feed on emotion. Human beings, when put in a state of high emotion, are easily led and controlled and very susceptible to the magic of language and media imagery. At no time should an aware person ever lose emotional control or allow anger, sadness etc… to enter into their thinking or conduct. To do so is to feed the beast.
7. Writing a blog, making video to post online or any like activity helps to challenge the oppressors and inform those who seek to understand. Get up and do something as allowing false media to be the only voice is to give the beast free reign.
8. Understand and know down to your bones that what is being done is aimed at society by a small number of elite that seek to control all facets of this world. Never lose conviction or cow down to ridicule. You know this is happening and you know it is harming everyone you love. Freedom is at stake.
9. We now know that the false events we see so clearly have been going on for generations. We also know that the changes that our rulers implement are done slowly and once in place very difficult if not impossible to reverse. It is much like a frog in boiling water. A frog placed in tepid water that is slowly brought to boil dies never having noticed the temperature change. As freedoms and societal changes are slowly implemented we can all learn from the frog in this matter. After all how much of the Bill of Rights or Constitution remains intact following 911 and the Patriot act? I would also mention that passing an illegal law does not make that law legal. In other words what has been done through legal means does not mean it was legal but that is a bit like using the system that traps us to make the point.
10. Every person has gifts or abilities that help to define the individual. STAND UP AND USE YOUR ABILITIES TO ADDRES THE CRUCIAL ISSUES COVERD IN THIS ARTICLE. The hour is late and doing nothing literally helps those who would rule us in the way a farmer rules livestock.
In closing I would point out that there is no facet of the system we live in that is not designed to retard your ability to grow and ascend to amazing levels – which is a gift common to all human beings. The fact that this is true scares the hell out of the ruling class who have become our jailers having implemented a never ending and ever growing set of rules, laws, conventions and systems designed to keep us low, comparatively poor and under control. We find ourselves in a time when humans are waking up to this fact and yearning to grow —– yet the elite of this world have kicked into high gear with every intention of controlling the very air we breathe, not to mention stifling human growth and ascendance. I am here to tell you that the majority of the horror, fear, violence and ugliness you have ever seen are in fact aspects of a system designed to convince you of a reality that does not exist.
It saddens me to have to write such a dark article but I make no apologies. Either we recognize the truths spoken here and work to counter the public mindset or we simply sit back as we have for decades and await an outcome that most certainly will not benefit us. I am unafraid and will stand against tyranny as I can. What say you? WHAT SAY YOU??

Comments (11)
You write very well Crow, I couldn’t help but enjoy your article(s). It is too bad the country/world doesn’t allow any (or much) truth to be told on main stream sources any more as you would make an excellent TRUE investigative/journalist. Later dude…
It is a lonely road, and yet, I do not regret knowing the truth! I asked The LORD how we would be deceived and He has removed the scales from my eyes and has been answering for 7 years! Every time I think there can’t be more, more is revealed, Layer by layer! I have one friend who is partially awake because I’ve told her, but even she has reached her threshold. There are things she just doesn’t want to know and she still watches the Tv as if she’s immune. I want to know all I can and I greatly appreciate the work you do. I’ve been following you a couple of years and you never disappoint! Blessings to you and yours =]
“3. Do not argue with people in order to try and convince them that crisis news is false. These folk, for the most part, are not ready to wake up. If you are a person who examines the false events and can demonstrate reasons why the news is false, that should be shared if the person to whom you speak is receptive. Ranting, arguing and raving helps no one.”
Hardest thing for me to do…but I have learned over the years that this is so true.
When the fake Orlando Gay club shooting fiasco hit the news, it was the very last time I watched ANY TV news (I had all but stopped watching any of it by then anyway).
I lost a lot of respect in the eyes of many people on facebook for doing this because to many people couldn’t even take a post I made linking the actor playing the shooter to his IMDB.com profile and a crisis actors agency website that made a connection between him, the security guard he played in the movie and the Orlando event and the post was just stating that honestly it seemed very fishy, but made no attempt to even hint at the event being fake, but I might as well have stated that I thought it was fake because that is how people read my post.
I was scorned and treated like an idiot(an now I know unfollowed by many people that used to respect me (and I used to respect before they took this stance). I had one very close friend from my early 20’s that moved to NYC back in the mid 90’s so I had only been FB friends with him at that point, and this was a guy who I thought really had a good bead on reality as it was instead of how he wanted to see it but I was wrong.
I had to deal with him LITERALLY putting words into my mouth and not taking them back even when I pointed this out to him, instead just back-peddling by saying that I was mincing words, as he felt justified in his VERY strong judgment of me.
Accusing me of something I was obviously not guilty of (“How DARE YOU blah blah blah..?”)
No, he had too much of an emotional investment in this straw-man he built to burn in effigy of me because he said I said it was a fake event even when I clearly never did and, even though he could not find even a single comment from me that even leaned towards that other than stating, “hey take a look at these facts that anyone can confirm for themselves…pretty odd huh?”
But it didn’t matter at that point as the effigy he was burning had him go too far over the line to back off, be an adult and admit that HE was in the wrong and I gave him plenty of outs and even tried to guilt him into coming to reality by telling him I would never put words into his mouth just to take him down.
I know that since then very few of my posts that were even slightly controversial were never seen by most of the people I care enough about to want them to be a part of reality.
thanks for posting this letter Crow – it really helped me to see things a lot more clearly and will help me in my focus to stick to the plan I have in the works to get out of the city, move to the country by next summer and learn to live again as a human being as off the grid as I possibly can and still stay connected to the people that mater the most to me.
Then during the lead up to the “Pesidential (S)election reality TV show” I tried talking to an old rocker friend of mine that had come out as gay in the mid-2000’s and his belief in all these things that are so obviously geared to get him angry and pointing his rage in the wrong direction was all to no avail to a really intelligent guy who I thought would be receptive to me telling him how he should see the look at the forest but all he could see was the trees and never could see how he was being programmed to react to the scripted news (before the term “fake news” ).
Anyway I am rambling but I sure wish the people I know and care about and respect could pull themselves out of the programming long enough to see it for what it is but you are right Crow, it just isn’t meant to be for some, including my entire family…I have to just be smart enough to get my shit together to be there for the people I love when it all falls down…and this is what I am working towards as I write this.
Wow…. Crow I first heard you speak about the “modern day book burning “on ODD podcast on my way home from work. I save a lot of YouTube videos when I find some good info that I want to share with my “un-awake” family who reject all of my critical thinking etc. with the typical heard mentality. Turns out many of my videos I have saved are deleted not by me ! It’s very true what you are saying. This is scary. I wish there was something I could to wake people up. Anyway I paid for a one month membership and will probably continue because I love the “REAL”‘ history that I’m learning. Your letter resonated with me big time! Thank you
Very good article CRROW777. Thank you for all you do.
You speak of the magic in words and language and I wholeheartedly agree. I never engage in arguments but I plant seeds in somewhat bereft mental soil in hopes the individual will at least start to question the status quo. Their game can be used in reverse to pull certain individuals from their malaise!
This is very powerful and very personal. Thanks for sharing your inner vision. I have unplugged from tv for over 13 or 14 years – cannot remember anymore and do not miss it In fact whenever I see the ‘box’ in a restaurant or hotel I shield my eyes and ears from the spew. My daughters and I over the last 2 years have literally ‘cold turkey’ stopped eating anything animal flesh (still eating cheese and some eggs but working on eliminating these too) It just was time and felt it was something we had to do. No Hollywood (holywood) movies to cast more spells over me. Never could connect to technology – always forgetting my cellphone at home I see so much beauty and love in others, complete strangers, always have. I think we will make it through the storm but it will be might big waves ahead. Christmas is near. No tree ‘no lights, cameras, action’ or Holydaze rituals happening here in my surroundings — I am unplugging ……. as best I can
I dont have much to add Crrow.I am 55 and have been awake a very long time.These have been really long lonely years so it is good to know I am not ill,stupid or a fantasist as some of the people I have known all my life quietly remove me from their lives.I am just glad there are astute people who are awake and doing their best to understand and speak truth to try and help us all to understand.I have had a frightening time watching my environment decay before my eyes.Roads and pavements unrepaired,every 2nd streetlight out(to save money?)Every other electronic product(I play guitar)I buy dies after 24 hrs or so,I replace it,the replacement dies.etc etc etc.I have had my Google account messed around with over and over,apparently they dont like some of my ideas.It changes nothing I will continue to point out the obvious.Thank you for all your work.It is good to know Im not alone.J.
I sit and read this article on March 24 2020 with earplugs in for protection. See I am back in the cancer chair Recieving interveinous iron and it’s like a steven king novel! Temperature checks at the door ,swear ya don’t feel sick ,and everybody ,I mean everybody is covered in gowns masks and probably bat man belts. 2 years ago this was my first treatment ,iron. I had gone 9.5 months with a fever mostly over 102.5 . No body seemed to even be alarmed, no center for disease control,no body. That was the year something like 80,000 people died from the flu in America. Really happy I have the sense to be reading truth by crow. Happy I have ear plugs in for protection from the corona virus fear porn on on all the TVs blasting while separated from all the sick normies watching this sick fake movie called msm. Love to all good vibes it’s in Gods hands,I won’t cower, won’t be fearful , truth is my refuge. Phil, rephilip56
I had forgotten about these words and now review them again in the pending fall of 2021. Even though this is not a game, I am front row, center, for the endgame. The fat lady has not sung yet but I see her headed over to the stage, where all the world is now.
I pledge allergic to the plague of US Corporations and to the repugnance for which it plans One Nation under GUARD invisible to liberty and justice for all.