At what point is a corporation so big that governments no longer matter? I am pretty sure that question was answered many years ago.

At what point is a corporation so big that governments no longer matter? I am pretty sure that question was answered many years ago.
Responsibility for you resides with you so what you allow into your body is on/in you. You get it?
We celebrate Christmas at the low point of the sun. It has become a materialistic holiday – but how did we get here? What role does history and the sun play?
There is an imposter hiding in the base ten system. Zero has no natural existence and has been used to pull minds into a fantasy based reality. Zero or the absence of everything has no basis in a natural reality which should be the benchmark for EVERYTHING. – And likely once was.
A formal announcement in 2001 launched us into a devil may care race away from the natural world. The replacement world we are entering is artificial and exists without perfection. The natural world is perfect from our point of view. As we leave the natural light of day a digital night is coming.
I have not accepted that the Rh+ blood antigen relates us to monkeys but this episode seeks to wrap up the idea. The second topic covered is time. I set out to show the complete fabricated, fantasy based nature of the time we currently follow. It is a control mechanism that pulls us (more…)
Of all the shows I have done trying to nail down anything but nonsense, historical Jesuit and Benedictine history proved near impossible. If these orders did help re-write history it may well be that they started with their own histories. Did the Jesuits head a chronology re-write with Benedictines as the scribes? If (more…)
It appear that world his-story was jacked up in or around the middle ages. We currently follow a Scaligerian chronology from a man named Josephus who has been endlessly shown to be false or even non-existent. As fate would have our sky clock – the only clock that matters – proves the false (more…)
Summer Solstice 2017 “Oh my friends look to the sun; it encodes so much before the day is done. After dark look to moon & sky knowing well that each of us dies. Are these things we see made by men, consider this often – time and again.” ~Crow~ I am writing this article because (more…)
It has become very evident the alchemical ideas and symbolism are being misused to transmute the world mind into believing in fantasies. Now that this window is opening to us it is important to understand something about alchemy. And by the – only ideas and methods of that work get used in this (more…)