It is not possible to invent truth but it is possible to discover truth. By the way do you know what gender the sun and moon are – for sure? It is a 50-50 proposition if you want to guess – but I would like to know. Without knowing at this level it is not (more…)
Nature is perfect in its function and delivery, never creating waste or requiring more energy in its endless cycles. Every culture has taught this truth in different ways, in order to remember and pass on information that rises above all other knowledge. To comprehend the rules of nature (creation), and to then live in accordance, (more…)
There is a relationship between cathedrals, tarot and Alchemy, which comes down to ancient knowledge based in nature, and its preservation. One month before the fire at Notre Dame Cathedral, I published episode 151 which stated that an encoded path to higher knowing is built into old cathedrals. I also mentioned that these paths, written (more…)
(Cell Salts Part II, last 6 salts) For me the older way is the better way and understanding Spirit, Body and Soul as philosophical principles shows the way back to sanity. In plants, as with all nature, the soul can be shown in oils, the spirit in methyl or ethyl alcohol and the (more…)
For me the older way is the better way and understanding Spirit, Body and Soul as philosophical principles shows the way back to sanity. In plants, as with all nature, the soul can be shown in oils, the spirit in methyl or ethyl alcohol and the body as salts. This is where the (more…)
If you do not know why liquor is labeled spirits or why you are called salt of the earth, you would do well to learn alchemical basics. The old philosophical ways of knowing are no longer lost, but making a comeback. Cymatics, or the method that shows vibration creates all form, is also (more…)
Alchemy & Spagyrics are natural sciences that operate and create totally within the scope of what nature will allow. All processes in these disciplines create perfected outcomes while teaching the human being to do and become the same. You are the 5th element, knowledge which has been both denied you and lost in (more…)