In that past couple of years, natural home birth numbers have been growing. This trend is now combining with an understanding of law and human rights, which in turn is birthing new lives into the world free of the birth certificate, typical inoculations and soul printing. The underlying idea is to create a new life (more…)
Here we have a living man who meticulously tracked down every document created at the time of his birth. With this information he created an indisputable timeline of events and document creation. This in turn uncovered some very interesting facts that add to the conversation that has been going on about the creation of the (more…)
We have reached a time in the era shift where living men and women no longer hold confidence in so called authority. Many have concerns that medical procedures will be forced on those in the public realm who engage in commerce. The ideas we cover here outline law and legal ideas to show (more…)
Do not go on the battlefield by choice. Do not start controversy. These are a couple of the ideas put forward in our ongoing effort to free living men and women from a legal system based on fictions and falsehood. If you were born in the modern era you are basically a slave (more…)
Comprehending and claiming your origin should go without saying. Unfortunately, in our era, much effort has been spent to fool you into claiming a birth date instead of where it is you began – at the zygote. There are still places in this world that count the entire time in the womb as (more…)
Do you know when the Divine Spark was granted to you? Do you know the difference between your beginning and your birth when the first breath of life was taken? The latter happens at the port of entry according to those who have created legal fictions in order to make a claim on (more…)
Nearly every single human you ever meet has been born into bondage. This is due to clever legal fictions which seek to deprive you of the rights afforded living beings – and yes, the Vatican is holding the paper and the supposed equity of your life. It does sound a bit like the (more…)
In the modern era how we are born and how we think about coming to be has changed drastically and departed from the natural world. This change was set in motion by modern allopathic medicine and modern banking. How is it that a provably living being is classified as without life and then (more…)
Why try to say it any better than it has already been said? lightning crashes, a new mother cries her placenta falls to the floor the angel opens her eyes the confusion sets in before the doctor can even close the door lightning crashes, an old mother dies her intentions fall to the (more…)
In this episode Kurt writes letters to the Chairman of the US in order to ask 7 questions designed to establish the legal status of a new life. It is possible the letters were later addressed in Presidential speeches. At the end of the day this comes down to if you are alive (more…)