149- General Accounting & the Corporation Nation where Fiction Rules (Free)

    Clint joins us again to talk about the legal fictions of our age. We also cover the CAFR report which is said to be the one report where Government tells the truth and Clint warns us all about retirement accounts and the valueless nature of fiat currency in general.

148 – The Uncommon Law of the Land, Lex Mercatoria, Commerce Gone Wild (Free)

    Very few understand what is going on when we enter a court room and we have reached a point where it is all to do with commerce – business. The idea of liability is now being used to challenge smart meters and court proceedings in general. Usually only the defendant is liable but (more…)

115 A Living Man Initiates a Common Law Court – All Eyes on Scotland (Free)

    The importance of common law is rising in human consciousness, here and now. As fate would have a living man named Robert Sproul has initiated a common law court in Scotland. It is time to set all argument aside with regard to law and witness, first hand, a common law court in action. (more…)

113 Hey Judge, I object to this Nisi Prius Court! I am not a Defendant! (Free)

    Is it possible to be called into court as the defendant but show up as the Magistrate? If the ideas in this episode are shown to be correct – yes, in fact, you can! As a matter of fact, if any of the ideas in this episode are true, change may be closer (more…)

112 A Bank is a Court – Common Law, Natural Law & Admiralty Law “Speak” (Free)

    When you walk into a court (Bank) it appears English is being spoken, but think again. You do not even overstand what type of law is being practiced in most cases. Say or do the wrong thing and pay the price – literally. After all what looks like a court of law may (more…)

111 Hey Judge, I seem to be in the WRONG Court – Law of the Sea (Free)

    In the modern age it might come in handy to understand what a human being should say and do when dragged before the Magi-strate. It seems the law of the sea is being applied to all who blindly walk through the legal process. The courts are using the strawman fiction to compel living (more…)

110 We are Strawmanius Homo – if we only had a Brain (Free)

    Does anyone out there comprehend what it is you consented to at the age of consent? I am guessing the answer to this is no but have no fear this episode will tell everyone what they need to know in this regard. While it possible to be a free living man or woman, (more…)