December 8, 2024/
In the past, the expectation was that free speech in the public arena was protected. It used to be that laws and rules were created by elected lawmakers and governments. It used to be that freedom and rights were synonymous to “the free world”. These tenets of the western world are now under attack by powerful corporations who have spent decades gaining control of nearly everything that makes modern life possible. These multinational corporations have no intention of letting voting get in the way of their plans. They aim to make all the rules world-wide and then enforce them using technology and digital currency. This method has been proven effective by the phone in your pocket. Your phone holds everything there is to know about you… and yours. It is already being used to merciless effect in China. This is unfortunate, and emerging reality is clearly by design. We know this because we know who gave China the technology in 1997 at a picnic in Silicon Valley, USA.
Corporations are the curse of modern existence and freedoms everywhere. They are nonexistent entities which are imagined into being. They are then granted the rights of a person, and can be used to shield those in control of wrongdoing when needed. The WEF is one such entity. It works day and night to overthrow rights and exert Orwellian controls world-wide.
What right do foreign corporations have to infringe and abridge the rights of other nations, or anyone in this world? It is very simple if you think about it. They have no right. At all. They claim to be building a just and equal world ruled by law. And yet, their bid for power seems to be based on the Law of the Jungle. The law of the Jungle is typically defined using the terms “brute force” and “self-interest”. Lacking the rights and authority needed to govern, corporations like the WEF have spent decades buying up controlling power over most of the systems, and services, needed to live a modern life. They have gained influence and power over an alarming number of corporations of all sizes. Plain and simple, they are powerful and rich and are buying and bullying the world into submission.
The current corporate attitude of entitlement has led to a general disregard for the now antiquated idea that the customer is always right. This, in turn, has resulted in the erosion of respect and decency when corporations, institutions and authority interact with the public, even down to person-to-person interactions. Basically, the most powerful among us have shown a disregard and lack of respect for society in general. This attitude has bled into our police, entertainment, media, business, news, and government, just to name a few. Disrespect and distrust are now commonplace online, to the point where there should be little doubt that Divide and Conquer tactics are at play.
People are at odds, and the corporate owned media is here to help exacerbate this negative state of mind that they have helped create and foster. Look no further than the 2024 national election to witness the severe effects of the Divide & Conquer tactic amped up to an absurd degree. This favorite tactic of power players is employed through an international echo chamber known as mainstream, or legacy media. (The red/blue-mind spell is covered in episodes #120 & #283, proving that the political parties were created by bankers (central bank) to divide and control the US)
We now live in a society polluted with hatred, based on imagined affiliations programmed into the masses via controlled media, entertainment and so-called news etc. For those with two brain cells to rub together the irony should not be lost. Going to the “Polling Place” to vote does not choose, or seat Presidents. The Electoral College does that, and that is the system at its finest, double-dealing in plain sight with little to no subterfuge necessary. That is, as long as the corporate messaging machine remains hard at work, updating its proven social engineering skills as needed.
To make the point, let us look back to our former CIA Director and president. The 11th CIA director and 41st United States President was George Bush Sr. On August 2nd, 1990, our ex-spy in Chief gave a speech underscoring the assertions made in this article: “We have before us the opportunity to forge for ourselves and for future generations a new world order — a world where the rule of law, not the law of the jungle, governs the conduct of nations. When we are successful — and we will be — we have a real chance at this new world order, an order in which a credible United Nations can use its peacekeeping role to fulfill the promise and vision of the U.N.’s founders.” Again, what right does a corporation with its own military have to “fulfill” its vision over cultures and nations around the world?
In the above words from our 41st President we find direct evidence of a plan wrapped in subterfuge for a coming New World Order that next to no one was aware of back then. This plan is now at our doorstep under the aegis of corporations like the UN, in and around the WEF. Also evident is the glaring falsehood in the assertion that the Law of the Jungle will not lead the way. Brute force was employed, along with many proven lies, to invade, destroy and the control a country. This was done with no regard for rights – at any level. It was brute force and self-interest behind our government’s push to invade Iraq. The public was manipulated based on Iraq’s imaginary involvement in the false flag event called 9/11. Now, it is clear that 9/11 was proven to be a false, as was the narrative about weapons of mass destruction. If that is not the Law of the Jungle then what is? As for the claim about the rule of law, I am told by those in-the-know that it is Noahide Law that will be used to subvert the governing principles of nations around the world in order to make way for the NWO. This last statement has not yet come to pass. Let us all hope that it never does! It is also ironic that a President of the United States seems to be more concerned with the credibility and power of the UN than he is with his own country’s prosperity. But, what would one expect when he is openly setting the stage for a “New World Order”, instead of caring for the system and lives he was put in charge of. A system hard won at the cost of innumerable lives and treasure – to use their words. A system held up as a gold standard for prosperity around the world due to its constitution and freedoms. But these ideas are another story with a not so happy ending based on where we stand now.
There is a world take over in progress. For too long those of us who have tried to talk about it have been shut down. From labels of “Conspiracy Theorist”, to full on censorship, the opposition has used its power, control and influence effectively, and now controls the so-called public forum and media, which is all is online now. Our rights and freedoms hang in the balance, so to speak. It is past time that we teach and demonstrate new ways to think about things. Public school taught you how to think and learn. Unfortunately, you learned next to nothing about the system itself, or the world that is currently run by illusions, unseen power and stealth. The school you attended placed a prescribed reading lists in front of you, pre-echoing the NWO agenda. Brave New World, Animal Farm, 1984, Lord of the Flies, Fahrenheit 451. Do you recognize these titles? Why would so many titles that have to do with loss of rights and freedom be placed on reading lists for young minds nationwide? Why not The Hobbit, or some other beautiful and respected standard? This too is a form of preannouncing intent, and priming the subconscious for what would be shocking and unacceptable if introduced suddenly.
In the 1930s (ish) what is called the Rockefellerization of our country was under way by those unscrupulous corporations run by “Robber Barons”. This title was earned. What they control, they took with little or no regard for the country, or its founding principles. We used to have amazing medical colleges and hospitals based in homeopathy that actually cured people! Now we have petrochemical based pharmaceutical drugs as the majority of our medicine, that are designed to mask symptoms. We had the opportunity for free energy, and better technologies. And this list of loss could to go across so many of the systems that have been intentionally downgraded in preparation for the world take over we now face. We have rights. We have the rights to know where it is we exist and what we are actually supposed to be doing here. Unfortunately, we have learned that those systems in charge of such things have been taken over and controlled. And in this we have also learned it is on us to discover and learn about the things that matter, because we have not been told the truth. I for one hereby claim my God given rights to the universe and all that is. I make this claim regular, and I thank the Creation for the Divine Spark of life and Free Will I have been granted. Now it is up to me to defend those claims, and to stand for what I know to be true and current. And you?

Comments (9)
This blog relates to episode 605 which will be posted on Wednesday. From now on I will include ONLY the first paragraph OF the episode description in the email that is sent telling you about the new episode, and under the episode audio. This will reduce scrolling and reading. For those interested in the whole idea they can link and read the whole description, which will now be full thoughts from me instead of abridged text as it has been. It will also serve as a place to discuss broader ideas beyond the scope of any given episode.
Love it! Reading your more detailed insights through this new and more expansive episode introduction venue should definitely ignite greater in depth of discussions here in the forum. Thank you kindly Crrow!
Thank you for this comment. I found myself clipping ideas due to space and email and scrolling. I am now planning to run the ideas all the way out and post them here. I am happy you find it worthwhile because it is a lot more work. I do this all by hand and intend to always do so – images too which take hours most of the time.
I love this new approach Crow. It was inspiring to read the depth of your thoughts and your images just keep getting better. Please stay the course, thank you!
I agree. I like reading your introductions to the episodes.
I know some have suggested Substack and that Michael Hoffman, Dylan Saccoccio and Wayne use it but Substack is run using Amazon Web Services and I can imagine some of the Terms and Conditions related to this.
I’ll gladly read longer, more in-depth introductions on your private site instead.
Constructive criticism (feel free to delete this line after reading): Would Rose have time for proofreading ? Some little mistakes made their way in here and there and could be polished out.
I do send it to her when we have time, but everything here is still hand-made so minor (hopefully) errors will be the norm.
I would not get to caught up in polish. Polish takes time, time is energy better spent elsewhere. that is what I like about this writing of crows, it meanders and is what crow is. An imperfect perfect guy if you know what I mean. Thank you crow and co!
Yeah, I know what you mean. I meant no disrespect, of course.
This was definitely worth my time to scroll and read! Thank you, Crrow!